Posts tagged ‘persecution of alawites’

July 29, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik: media spin and hypocrisy in the name of Islamic Sharia law

Anders Behring Breivik: media spin and hypocrisy in the name of Islamic Sharia law

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Homosexuals hanged under Islamic Sharia law in Iran

Many individuals and writers who are rather timid in responding to homosexuals being hanged in Iran, amputations in Saudi Arabia for minor crimes, raped women being stoned to death in Somalia and then linking this with Islamic Sharia law, appears to be not on their agenda. However, the same writers who ignore this then link one individual called Anders Behring Breivik in order to lambast Robert Spencer, Pamella Geller and a host of other writers or organizations who support democracy. However, the same individuals fail to link either Islamic institutional discrimination which kills apostates in the name of Islam or when individuals did September 11 and stated openly that it was their Islamic duty.

Eugene Robinson, Opinion Writer at the Washington Post, is just one of the multitudes of hypocrites.  Did the same Eugene Robinson put emphasis on Muslim religious leaders who said that “Islam is a religion of peace” after September 11?

Also, Osama bin Laden was clearly inspired by the Koran and Hadiths and if Eugene Robinson and the same so-called progressives are going to imply the same logic; then do they support pressure being put on people who read the Koran and support Islamic Sharia law?

Yes, many individual Muslim religious leaders may support peace but institutional discrimination in accordance with the teaching of Islamic Sharia law is a fact in many Islamic nations which are ruled by Islam.

Minority Muslim groups like the Alevi in Turkey and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan face Sunni Islamic persecution and if Sunni Islam took power in Syria then the Alawites have much to fear.  Muslims are not a monolith and many individuals will think differently just like Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and non-religious people.  However, Islamic Sharia law is a monolith and it threatens non-Muslims and moderate Muslims like the Ahmadiyya.

Eugene Robinson and a multitude of so-called progressive writers who are now lambasting democrats who understand the threat of global Islamic jihad desire to apply one rule. This applies to hypocrisy and ignoring the greater terrorist threat which kills frequently in nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Thailand and other nations. 

If Eugene Robinson and others are trying to silence Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and a host of others; then what about the multitude of Islamic terrorist attacks whereby non-Muslims and minority Muslim groups are being killed and sometimes beheaded by the followers of radical Sunni Islam……will Eugene Robinson and other so-called progressives denounce Islamic religious leaders who are inciting violence based on the Koran and Hadiths?

Eugene Robinson and the so-called progressives are so politically correct that it makes you wonder what planet they reside on.  After all, in modern day Saudi Arabia all Sunni Muslim apostates face the threat of death and not one single Buddhist temple, Christian church or Hindu temple is allowed.

Shia Muslims are also treated like second-class citizens in Saudi Arabia and clearly the Shia face massive discrimination in Bahrain, Yemen, and other Sunni Muslim dominated nations.  Even in moderate Malaysia the Shia faith is illegal and Sunni Muslim converts to Shia Islam face persecution.

Other Islamic nations implement the death penalty for apostasy but can Eugene Robinson mention one non-Muslim nation in the modern world which supports killing apostates? 

Of course religious discrimination exists in other nations but we are talking about killing apostates or the death penalty for non-Muslim men for marrying a Muslim female.  Which non-Muslim nation allows this under its legal code?  

In Iran two young homosexuals were hanged and remember apostates and homosexuals are not being killed by deranged individuals who kill innocents, which was the case in Norway whereby Anders Behring Breivik massacred innocent individuals and who will pay for his evil crime against humanity.

On the contrary, Islamic Sharia law is killing these homosexuals and apostates because of state sanctioned discrimination which is based on the Koran and Hadiths.  Also, just imagine, what do you think would happen to a Buddhist/Christian/Hindu male who married a Muslim female in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, for an act of love the Buddhist/Christian/Hindu male would face the death penalty.  Again, note that they would be killed for committing no crime apart from being deemed subhuman under the legal code of Islamic Sharia law. 

This hatred is institutional therefore innocents in some Islamic nations which are based on Islamic law are punished or killed for acts of love or thinking freely.  Also, while Islamic religious leaders in these nations continue to support hatred, bigotry, and rampant discrimination by quoting from the Koran and Hadiths; it is abundantly clear that some Islamists believe that one day they will subvert democratic nations and install this hatred.

Eugene Robinson should also note that while every single Muslim apostate to Christianity faces being killed in Somalia it is not a distant problem. Therefore, maybe Eugene Robinson and other so-called progressives believe that killing African Christians in Somalia or homosexuals in Iran is fine or not a problem because the country is distant?

After all, when two million African Animists/Christians/Muslims were being killed by the Arab regime in Khartoum I don’t recall the trendy brigade in the United Kingdom saying much.  Instead it was all about Israel and even the enslavement of Africans in Sudan did not raise much of a shout and today African Muslims in Darfur still face the threat of Arabization.

However, radical Islamists from Somali backgrounds in America and the United Kingdom have actually gone back to Somalia in order to spread Islamic jihad and install Islamic Sharia law.  Therefore, Christians are being beheaded and a raped girl was stoned to death but these barbaric ways are being supported by elements within the Somali community in America and the United Kingdom – this blows away the assimilation theory of Eugene Robinson and surely he understands what Islamic kitman means?

Irrespective of what people may think about Robert Spencer or Pamela Geller they both support democracy, liberty, and the rule of law whereby all individuals are equal.

Is Eugene Robinson going to claim that Islamic Sharia law supports equality and that the testimony of a non-Muslim is equal in court cases involving a non-Muslim and a Muslim?  Is Eugene Robinson going to link the Koran and Muslim religious leaders who have incited violence against non-Muslims and minority Muslim groups?  Is Eugene Robinson going to stand up and denounce institutional hatred against homosexuals who face the death penalty and state that this hatred is inspired by Islamic law?  Is Eugene Robinson going to stand up against Islamic Sharia based nations which support killing non-Muslim men for merely marrying a Muslim female?

It is abundantly clear that Islamic Sharia law, the Hadiths and the Koran support massive discrimination against non-Muslims.  Therefore, the so-called progressives like Eugene Robinson appear to be sleep-walking or they are being extremely selective.

The simple reality is that Anders Behring Breivik will be locked away for the evil he did.  However, when women are being stoned to death, homosexuals are being killed and apostates face the death penalty; all this is being done in accordance with Islamic Sharia law. 

This is state sanctioned hatred in the name of a religion which does not tolerate equality when in power.  Therefore, why are Eugene Robinson and the rest of the so-called progressives so noisy about one deranged individual with no political power but then say little about the daily reality of nations like Saudi Arabia?

Also, note the “Islamic victim card” once more but clearly nearly everyone killed by Anders Behring Breivik were either Christian or secular. 

Not that it matters who Anders Behring Breivik killed because his actions were pure evil and he should never see the outside world again.  In Norway non-Muslims and Muslims are equal in law unlike the institutional discrimination of nations like Saudi Arabia.

Clearly, the sad fact is that Anders Behring Breivik is being brushed aside by so-called progressives and instead it is an opportunity to attack individuals who are democratic and support liberty.

More important why the clear double-standards and not only this, what about progressives boycotting goods from Saudi Arabia because of state institutional hatred whereby apostates face the death penalty and homosexuals also face the same brutal system. This is all being done under Sharia Islamic law.

Clearly, this will never happen because of energy factors but progressives should not concern themselves with the motives of capitalists.  Also, is Eugene Robinson going to claim that the Koran and Hadiths did not inspire the individuals who did September 11 and that state institutional hatred towards all non-Muslims and homosexuals in Saudi Arabia is not based on the Hadiths, Koran and Sharia Islamic law?


These links either show discrimination or the nature of Islamic Sharia law – Islamists beheading a convert from Islam to Christianity. – Raped woman stoned to death in Somalia – Massacre of Ahmadiyya Muslims – Amputations and flogging in Saudi Arabia,,5417393,00.html – Persecution of the Alevi,,5417393,00.html – Islamic groups who hate the United Kingdom – Iran Minister supports killing homosexuals and based on Islamic Sharia law