Posts tagged ‘Vojin Joksimovich and terrorism’

May 4, 2011

Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden ratlines in Bosnia: Clinton is a hypocrite!

Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden ratlines in Bosnia: Clinton is a hypocrite!  

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Ex-president of America, Bill Clinton, welcomed the news that Osama bin Laden was killed and he gave quotes to the “blinkered media.”  This is the same Bill Clinton who welcomed the forces of radical Islam in the Balkans by giving Islamists the green light.

It could be stated that Bill Clinton would prefer a dead Osama bin Laden because dead men do not speak.  However, the Bosnian Muslim leadership, alongside radical Islamic organizations and several nations, had a shared policy which met the objectives of Clinton’s administration.  Therefore, thousands of passports were given to international terrorists by the Bosnian Muslim leadership and given the connections of the Afghan civil war against communism; then natural networks were already in place and Clinton’s administration utilized all means possible.

It did not matter at all to the Clinton administration if Islamists were slitting the throats of Orthodox Christian civilians.  Nor did Clinton think about the long term policies and how he was enabling international jihadists to get a major foothold into Europe.

Even after September 11 the Bosnian connection did not get the press that it warranted because several Islamists had used Bosnia in order to further their jihadist ideology. 

It is factual that in all conflicts that you will have many distortions and massacres are committed on all sides during intensive civil wars.  Bosnia was no different and innocents were killed by all sides irrespective of religious or ethnic identity.

However, the distortion of the Bosnian civil war was beyond the pale because how would America like it if thousands of international Islamists were given a free-reign in order to kill innocent people in America?

Yet this is what happened in Bosnia and the Bosnian Serbs were abandoned to the most psychopathic Islamic jihadists in the world.  Therefore, not surprisingly the Bosnian Serbs adopted a siege mentality but to the international media this was ignored.

In fact, you had shameless British politicians like Paddy Ashdown claiming that the Muslims had no military arms to defend themselves.  However, the USA, under Clinton, enabled Islamists to break the no-military-arms embargo.  Therefore, by the end of the Bosnian civil war it was clear that Bosnian Muslim forces had gained in power and the same applies to Croatia which blew away the Serbs of Krajina.

The ethnic cleansing, like the media liked to mention, appeared to be negative when the Bosnian Serbs got the upper hand.  Yet true to events on the ground, then when the Serbians were being ethnically cleansed it was fine and language manipulation backed by a potent media campaign could easily manipulate events.

Clinton would talk about the moderate Muslim leadership and others would mention the pluralism of Bosnia in history. Therefore, not only were modern events being distorted but the reality of Islamic rule in Bosnian history was being brushed under the carpet.

Suddenly, the reality of dhimmitude; taking the eldest Orthodox Christian son from his parents and converting him to Islam; pogroms against Christians; slavery; discrimination in law; and control of all power mechanisms into the hands of Muslims in the Balkans was being “whitewashed.”

This now all meant pluralism, because the media would create a new Bosnia in its own image but very far from the historical reality of the region.

Of course you will have found moderates on all sides, irrespective of religion.  However, while the “darkness” of what the Serbs did was shown the “Islamic darkness” of beheading innocent Orthodox Christians and countless massacres was hidden in order to maintain the myth that one side was pluralistic and modern.

Therefore, you had a major collusion between democrats, radical Islamists, national self interests, secret agencies, the mass media, and others, in order to distort the “real picture.”

In an earlier article that I wrote I stated that “Sky News has obtained clear and proper evidence of a major cover-up and footages of massacres against Serbian Christians have been seen. According to the investigation and footages which were shown, it is abundantly clear that thousands of radical Islamists from all over the world were given a free-reign in Bosnia.”

“This free-reign meant that innocent Serbian Christians were to meet terrible and disturbing deaths at the hands of radical Islamists who celebrate openly while cutting the heads off innocent civilians. The same Islamic forces which unleashed September 11th and which stone people to death in order to create “year zero,” were welcomed openly by ex-President Clinton and by people within his administration.”

If you check then this link highlights the Republican Policy Committee and the findings are damning, to say the least.

On Page 2 of the House Subcommittee it states that “The Administration’s Iranian green light policy gave Iran an unprecedented foothold in Europe and has recklessly endangered American lives and US strategic interests.”

” . . . The Iranian presence and influence [in Bosnia] jumped radically in the months following the green light. Iranian elements infiltrated the Bosnian government and established close ties with the current leadership in Bosnia and the next generation of leaders. Iranian Revolutionary Guards accompanied Iranian weapons into Bosnia and soon were integrated in the Bosnian military structure from top to bottom as well as operating in independent units throughout Bosnia. The Iranian intelligence service [VEVAK] ran wild through the area developing intelligence networks, setting up terrorist support systems, recruiting terrorist ’sleeper’ agents and agents of influence, and insinuating itself with the Bosnian political leadership to a remarkable degree. The Iranians effectively annexed large portions of the Bosnian security apparatus [known as the Agency for Information and Documentation (AID)] to act as their intelligence and terrorist surrogates. This extended to the point of jointly planning terrorist activities. The Iranian embassy became the largest in Bosnia and its officers were given unparalleled privileges and access at every level of the Bosnian government.” (Page 201)

The findings of this report, alongside other information from other sources, certainly highlights how Islamists like Osama bin Laden were given a free-reign to spread radical Islam and to create Islamic terrorist cells in Bosnia.

Bill Clinton fully understood that Islamists were entering Bosnia from so many countries and he not only understood this but he would manipulate this in order to further his objectives in Bosnia.

The former president of America can state openly that he is happy about the death of Osama bin Laden because the media is either not allowed to ask important questions or media screening is already in place.

Osama bin Laden took much to his grave and for Bill Clinton this will be music to his ears.  After all, dead men can not testify and this will help to maintain the silence of the ratlines which existed between Clinton’s administration, international terrorists, and the elites within the Bosnian Muslim leadership.

In the book called The Revenge of the Prophet by the acclaimed Vojin Joksimovich, he comments that Osama Bin Laden saw a great opportunity in Bosnia and established a base of operations in Europe against Al Qaeda’s true enemy, the U.S. The Afghan Jihad and the Gulf War combined to produce fertile ground for 9/11.  However, Bosnia became the direct springboard for 9/11, the Madrid train bombings and probably London.”  Page 298 – The Revenge of the Prophet

John R. Schindler who is the author of Unholy Terror, comments that “Although Sarajevo’s supporters went to great lengths to deny it, there was no avoiding the reality that after 9/11, as al-Qa’ida attacks multiplied across the world, a disturbing number of the terrorists involved had close ties to Bosnia and the holy war waged there.  The dedicated cadres bin Laden had first nurtured in Afghanistan and brought to fruition in Bosnia were ready for the all-out confrontation with the “apostates” and “infidels” that al-Qa’ida had promised.”  Page 296 – Unholy Terror

John R. Schindler continues by stating that “The role of the West in the fate of Bosnia cannot be underestimated.  The willful blindness of Western elites, the dishonest and mendacious representations of Bosnia and its war presented by intellectuals, academics, entertainers and journalists, decisively influenced the course of the conflict, to the benefit of radical Islam.”  Page 324 – Unholy Terror

It is therefore abundantly clear that while Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden had different objectives; it is also apparent that Bill Clinton and Osama bin Laden“shared the same pie.”

After all, obstacles which should have been nigh impossible, for example thousands of Islamists being allowed into Europe and then obtaining military weapons; became not only feasible but was part and parcel of the American administration under Bill Clinton.

Vojin Joksimovich highlights the international nature of Islam in Bosnia because he comments that “The jihadists, from their bases and support facilities in Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, did not come to Bosnia only to fight against the ‘Serbian aggressor,’ but for the first European religious state at large, for the establishment of the only faith among the European Muslims.”  (Page 145)

This comment highlights the reality of Izetbegovic and the pan-Islamic card. Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that the “Creation of Islamic states, so-called Jamahirya states, was the ultimate objective of all these movements.  With the Koran in their hands the jihadists did not distinguish between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, only between believers and unbelievers.”  (Page 145)

The murky past of Bill Clinton should be investigated and this applies to his administration.  After all, if America really wants to know how September 11 happened then part of the answer lies in Bosnia and the Republican Policy Committee testifies to this.

Therefore, the Bosnian Muslim leadership and Bill Clinton will sleep well knowing that Osama bin Laden is dead.  After all, if Osama bin Laden had the chance to speak then the “Bosnian Islamic terrorist chain with Clinton’s blessing” could have come back to haunt them.

Yet true to Bill Clinton, he made comments about how pleased he is about the death of Osama bin Laden but in history he once was pleased that he was alive because it enabled the Clinton-Bosnian Muslim jigsaw to be completed.

Vojin Joksimovich – The Revenge of the Prophet

John R. Schindler  –  Unholy Terror

April 7, 2011

UN, France & US in Libya and Ivory Coast: using violence and Islamic forces just like Kosovo

UN, France & US in Libya and Ivory Coast: using violence and Islamic forces just like Kosovo

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times  

Ivory Coast
Ivory Coast

The current problems in Libya and Ivory Coast are complex and clearly the opposition has different aspirations.  After all, both sides are involved in a bloody conflict and the use of violence is being used by each faction in these divided nations.  Therefore, it appears that the “new democratic warriors” of peace and freedom carry guns and kill their enemies, just like their enemies would kill them.

This article is not about defending the leaders of either nations and clearly the leader of Libya is known for being despotic and obsessed by political power.  Also, forces loyal to Gaddafi care little about human rights and political freedom and it is abundantly clear that Libya does not have a future under him.

However, the United Nations and France, which are involved in bombing both Libya and the Ivory Coast,; do seem to have an agenda where you support the uprisings and if they kill in “whatever name” then it is fine but if central forces fight back then they deserve to be bombed into submission.

In the Ivory Coast it was reported that forces loyal to the Muslim led forces of Alassane Ouattara have just massacred between 800 and 1,000 Christians in the Ivory Coast.  Alassane Ouattara is being supported by America, Europe and the United Nations and it is noticeable that once the forces who are loyal to the Christian leader, Laurent Gbagbo, were bombed by France and the UN; then the Muslim led forces of Alassane Ouattara began their onslaught and massacres are ensuing.

However, in the new democratic world order of President Obama, the European Union and United Nations, this will not infringe on them supporting Alassane Ouattara and the massacre of up to 1,000 Christians will bite the dust before the dust is even settled.

Also, the uprising in Libya is complex because it appears to be an uprising based on regionalism, military splits, nationalists, Islamists, secularists, and a hot-botch of others; but clearly you do have an Islamic angle and Al Qaida hopes to spread radical Sunni Islam in Libya.

It is difficult to see a democratic savior amongst the opposition to Gaddafi in Libya.  This in itself does not mean that Gaddafi must be left alone to kill and attack innocent citizens but once you take sides then the situation becomes even more chaotic.

Added to this is the confusing nature of Libyan politics and power structures and it is hard to see what the future holds for Libya.  It may just be that it is a case of “the devil you know” against the “possible devil that you don’t know” but with the hope that somehow a policy can work.

However, look at Kosovo and the military intervention of this part of Serbia because the objectives in Kosovo appear to be to downsize Serbia and to install a mainly Islamic state at the expense of the deep-rooted Orthodox Christian community.

Kosovo, just like Libya, is witnessing a combined Western elite force which is unifying itself with radical Sunni Islamic and nationalist/regional factions in order to reach an agenda which is only known to the powers that be.

Therefore, in Abidjan the military forces who are loyal to the Christian leader, Laurent Gbagbo, were attacked by a joint operation of United Nation forces and the French army.  This will lead to deadly silence in the so-called “Muslim street” because just like Bosnia, Cyprus, and Kosovo; the “Muslim victim card” does not wash and Christians are once more expendable while power games are being played in higher circles.

America, the United Kingdom, Iran, and a host of other nations and Islamic terrorist movements, were allies in Bosnia and thousands of Islamists were given a free hand to massacre innocent Christian civilians.  At the same time, the Islamic network of Al Qaida (Al Qaeda) obtained a foothold in Europe via Bosnia. Therefore, some Islamic terrorists who were involved in September 11 and Madrid had helped the Islamic jihad in Bosnia by killing Christians and plotting future terrorist attacks.

Why is it that when four million mainly African Christians and Animists were killed in Sudan by the Arab Sunni Islamic elites that nothing was done?  Why is it deemed allowable for Sunni Islamic forces to kill and persecute Shia Muslims in Bahrain and Yemen? 

However, when it comes to the Ivory Coast and Libya then the West desires to get involved.  More alarming, even after a massacre of between 800 and 1,000 Christians took place in the Ivory Coast then very little was said by President Obama and other leading political figures.  Yet the power mechanisms of the UN and France are still supporting the massacres alongside the Muslim leadership despite the complex nature of the civil war.

The lesson from Kosovo was that it was fine to massage reality and then to allow the dismantlement of Orthodox Christian churches throughout Kosovo.  Indeed, it is obvious that elements within the American administration, under Bill Clinton, and the British government, under Tony Blair, had hoped that the Christian Orthodox community would be cleansed entirely because this would solve any lingering doubts of who owned Kosovo.

Muslims destroying Christian churches in Kosovo

Therefore, Western forces supported the terrorist deemed KLA according to America prior to the conflict in Kosovo.  However, Bill Clinton overturned this and the KLA became freedom fighters over night. This pro-Muslim Albanian policy meant that an alliance of democratic nations, Islamists, Albanian nationalists, narcotic gangs, and others; formed an alliance with the upshot being the support of a narcotic tainted and organ transplant tainted leader called Hashim Thaci.

Despite Hashim Thaci and other leaders in Kosovo being implicated in the organ transplant scandal where people were murdered for organs. Little appears to change and this episode is a watershed because it shows you the complete lack of morals within the elites of the democratic world.

Also, the media logic and Western logic is very fickle and based on a short time frame in order to pander and indoctrinate by using massive propaganda.  Say for example that Slobodan Milosevic was wrong and that he was an evil dictator; does this vindicate taking Kosovo from Serbia?

How can a short period of history over-run hundreds and hundreds of years of Christian persecution, massacres, pogroms, and utter dhimmitude at the hands of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.  Yes, an Islamic empire in the heart of Europe which enslaved and took Christian boys from their parents by implementing the barbaric devsirme system and converting them to Islam. 

However, in the bankrupt policy of Kosovo, which is now being implemented in the Ivory Coast; you have outsiders intervening within complex areas and you have no simple answers.

The same applies to Libya and while the leader of this nation does not deserve people to shed tears for him because of his despotism and past policies; this does not mean that the West should once more support Islamists, just like they did in Bosnia and Kosovo, because this policy is not only immoral it is dangerous.  After all, September 11 and Madrid, and other major terrorist attacks, have their links to the Bosnian Islamic jihad.

Steven Emerson, The Investigative Project on Terrorism and leading international figure in exposing terrorist networks, highlighted the current reality of Libya by stating that The mounting violence in Libya could have the unintended consequence of reviving radical Islamists including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a terror organization aligned with al-Qaida.” 

“As Muammar Gaddafi’s 41-year-old dictatorship totters on the brink, U.S. policymakers should pay close attention to reports that LIFG members are being released from Libyan jails, according to Jonathan Schanzer, a former Treasury Department official who monitors jihadist organizations. Until now, the LIFG has been essentially moribund inside Libya since Gaddafi’s regime launched a repression campaign against it in the late 1990s.”

In Bosnia and Kosovo the Clinton administration only paid attention to terrorist Islamic networks by working towards “similar objectives” and maintaining channels which were distant, however, it is hard to keep this channel too distant when America and other nations allowed nations like Iran to violate the UN military arms embargo. 

Also, thousands of Islamists from nations like Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, and homegrown Islamists in the United Kingdom, were given the green light to enter and somehow escape all those national security passport agencies.  Not only this, the Bosnian Muslim government was issuing passports to Islamic terrorists and clearly the Clinton administration understood the “Islamic rat lines.”

Steven Emerson continues by commenting that In February 2006, the Treasury Department announced it was formally designating four organizations and five individuals as financial supporters of the LIFG, “an al Qaida affiliate known for engaging in terrorist activity in Libya and cooperating with al Qaida worldwide.” Patrick O’Brien, assistant Treasury secretary for terrorist financing and financial crime, said the LIFG “threatens global safety and stability through the use of violence and its ideological alliance with al Qaida.”

The current situation in Libya is complex and how do you keep Islamists out of the opposition and how do you unite an ad hoc mixture of radical Sunni Islamists, disgruntled army units, democrats, socialists, and a mixture of other forces and added to this you have regionalism and tribal based loyalties.

Similarly, how can America, France, the UN, and others, support the Muslim opposition leader against the Christian leader of Laurent Gbagbo?  Who is to say which side is open to democracy and greater religious freedom and what policies are in place in order to stop the bloodletting?

Therefore, we have the global disgrace of UN forces and France bombing forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo in the Ivory Coast and this is happening amidst a massacre of between 800 Christians to 1,000 Christians in Duekoue by mainly Muslim forces who are loyal to Alassane Ouattara.

This shame applies to many democratic nations who still support Hashim Thaci and Kosovo independence.  After all, Kosovo Albanians have destroyed countless numbers of Christian churches and ancient monuments after the war and more alarming the leader is being implicated with organ trafficking and other evil deeds.

Vojin Joksimovich, in his article called Grisly Albanian Organ Harvesting Crimes: Is Justice Going To Be Served, comments that In my late December essay Amorality of US Kosovo Policy: Friends with the Snake “I have published reactions to the Council of Europe (CoE) 27-page report authored by the Swiss-Italian politician, senator and prosecuting lawyer Dick Marty. The report, after his two-year investigation, claimed that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) thugs headed by the current Kosovo prime minister Hashim Thaci, known as the “Snake,” abducted mostly Kosovo Serbs but also some Albanian so called “collaborators,” transported them to northern Albania, murdered them, extracted their organs like the kidneys, and sold them on the black market. These macabre Nazi/Croatian Nazi style crimes were covered up by the leading international organizations such as the UN, NATO, OSCE as well as the governments of leading western countries. NATO’s secret documents as well as an UN report have been leaked out clearly demonstrating that both of those international organizations had full knowledge of these grisly crimes and opted to cover them up in addition to several western governments, the U.S. and Germany in particular. While a EULEX investigation is being launched, it will focus on the grisly crimes committed by the Snake and his thugs but will not include an investigation of those who enabled these crimes to be covered up for over a decade. In addition, it is doubtful if EULEX is capable of conducting an all-encompassing inquiry. Hence, the most important question needs to be posed: Is the justice going to be served?”

The question raised by Vojin Joksimovich is important and it also applies to the Bosnian civil war whereby Islamists from all over the world were given a free reign to slaughter Orthodox Christians.  It now also applies to the massacre of Christians in the Ivory Coast where UN forces and France are in collusion with one faction over another, despite the massacre that their allies have just done.

Also, like Steven Emerson warns about Libya, the situation on the ground is very complex and Islamists may fill the vacuum or just like Bosnia and Kosovo; then Islamists in Libya may be supported from a distance.

Of course Bosnia, Ivory Coast, Kosovo, and Libya respectively are complex and you have no easy solutions but supporting either terrorist organizations or turning a blind eye to massacres, while continuing to support forces deemed “legitimate,” can’t be the answer.

Also, the West may have stepped into Bosnia and helped the Muslim cause just like they supported the Turkish invasion of Cyprus or at worse allowed it to happen; but despite this some Sunni Islamists used Bosnia on their way to doing September 11 and Madrid; if this does not alarm you then you can ignore the “fog of war” in Libya but the long term consequences are still unknown apart from the fact that Al Qaida will try to fill part of the vacuum or to at least exploit the situation.

Meanwhile, the debacle in Ivory Coast is shaming the name of France and the UN because nothing was done to stop the massacre of between 800 and 1,000 Christians and not only this, both France and the UN are supporting the mainly Muslim forces which did this massacre. (please visit)    –   Grisly Albanian Organ Harvesting Crimes: Is Justice Going To Be Served?  –  By Vojin Joksimovich – In Libya, an al-Qaida Ally Lurks in the Shadows –  By Steven Emerson and the Investigative Project on Terrorism

January 25, 2011

Islamic terrorism strikes again in Russia

Islamic terrorism strikes again in Russia

Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times 

Islamic terrorists kill many in Dagestan and Islamic terrorists are spreading fear throughout the Russian Federation.
Islamic terrorists kill many in Dagestan and throughout Russia

Islamic terrorism once more strikes fresh fear in the Russian Federation after 35 people are killed and hundreds are injured.  The attack took place at Moscow’s busiest airport and the bloodbath which took place is a clear reminder about the threat of Islamic jihadists in the Russian Federation. Therefore, renewed security will be called for and more clashes will erupt in the volatile North Caucasus region where Islamists are bent on creating an Islamic state and carving up the Russian Federation.

President Dmitry Medvedev issued stern words in a televised speech.  Medvedev stated that “Everything possible must be done so that the bandits who committed this crime are identified, exposed, and brought to court, and the nest of these bandits — or whatever they may be called – must be destroyed.”

Medvedev spoke emotionally and he continued by stating that “Those who offer resistance must be dealt with rigorously.  They must be destroyed on the spot.”  His feelings were also echoed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation because Vladimir Putin commented that “retribution is inevitable” and that “This was an abominable crime in both its senselessness and its cruelty.”

At the moment all fingers point to Islamic terrorists who operate in the North Caucasus region because you have had many Islamic attacks by jihadists in the past both within the North Caucasus and throughout the Russian Federation.  Therefore, while the investigation is still ongoing it is clear that many will suspect that the Islamic suicide mission will have been formulated within the North Caucasus or through networks which have links to this region.

B. Raman (Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi) comments that “The Afghan Taliban, which has close links with terrorists from Chechnya and Dagestan, and Al Qaeda and the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which assist the remnants of the Chechen terrorists still living in North Waziristan in Pakistan, have not so far reacted to Karzai’s bilateral visit to Moscow and to Russian promises of military and economic assistance.  There is so far no evidence to connect the Moscow blast of January 24 (2011) to Karzai’s visit, but this is an angle, which is likely to be explored during the investigation.”

B. Raman continues by stating that “Presently, the investigators seem to be treating the explosion as purely-related to the anti-Russian insurgency in the Caucasus region.  Pictures of a seeming return to normalcy projected by the Russian authorities do not reflect the reality.  There is still considerable anti-Russian anger and continued availability of volunteers for suicide terrorism – men and women.  Money continues to flow to the terrorists from Chechen-origin residents in Saudi Arabia and Turkey.  Narcotics smuggling from Afghanistan is another source of income.  Russia has been playing a role in the anti-narcotics drive in Afghanistan, but the results have not been very significant.” 

It is clear that outside forces have given and continue to give economic support to Islamists in the North Caucasus region.  Therefore, you have many “rat lines” and this applies to Islamic networks in several nations, Islamic charities which are intent on spreading Sunni Islamic extremism, Islamic criminality via the narcotic trade, and other areas. 

Vojin Joksimovich, who is the author of Revenge of the Prophet, commented that The long-term strategy is proselytism of Islam and Wahhabi Islam in particular. French scholar Giles Kepel used the term ‘petrodollar Islam’ for a vast infusion of proselytizing wealth from Saudi Arabia. Proselytism and the checkbook diplomacy long have been the Saudis’ principal foreign policy tools. The Saudis have built thousands of mosques worldwide. While the Islamist terrorism is being challenged the petrodollar Islam quest is yet to receive due attention.” (Page 11 – Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich)

It is clear that ethnic nationalism is potent in the North Caucasus and outside Islamists have fermented hatred in order to Islamize the region.  The Palestinian cause, just like that of Muslims in southern Thailand, was mainly based on nationalism than Islam in the past.  However, Islamic charities, funding from outside nations, Islamic propaganda, radical Muslim religious leaders, and other ways of spreading the Islamic agenda; have changed the causes of Chechnya, Dagestan, southern Thailand, and other parts of the world into a battleground where Islamic jihadists desire complete Islamization.

B. Raman also commented that “Western skepticism about the Russian evidence regarding the links of the Chechen terrorists with Al Qaeda has been coming in the way of strong action against the Chechen terrorists operating from Pakistani sanctuaries with Saudi money. This skepticism can be compared to the US skepticism over Indian evidence regarding the international dimensions of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LET) and its links with Al Qaeda. Only after the LET killed six US nationals in Mumbai during its sea-borne terrorist strikes in the last week of November, 2008, did the Americans start admitting that the LET had become as dangerous as Al Qaeda. The Chechen terrorists have till now not targeted US nationals and interests. Hence, the US skepticism continues. This is a short-sighted approach and will weaken the war against global jihadi terrorism. The LET did not target Americans till November, 2008. That did not make it any the less dangerous as a terrorist organization. The Chechen terrorists are as ruthless and dangerous as the LET or any other associate of Al Qaeda. The world has to be concerned over their activities before it becomes too late.”  (March 31, 2010)

Vojin Joksimovich also comments on the global nature of Islamic terrorism and the source of this constant threat.  He comments that “The most pressing underlying root cause is the Saudi Wahhabi-led petrodollar hegemony over the Islamic world, typically but not exclusively exercised through organizations like the Muslim World League, Organization of Islamic Conference, various Islamic so-called humanitarian organizations, etc.”

Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that “It is imperative to starve these terrorist organizations of financial resources and recruits. The present generation of Western leaders has been unwilling to take bold steps for two primary reasons: The oil addiction in what could be termed Petrolistan as well as the petrodollars ploughed back into the Western economies and various individual and corporate coffers.” Page 305 – The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich)

The latest terrorist attack in Moscow is a permanent reminder that the North Caucasus region is blighted by Islamic terrorism and that jihadists can attack anywhere throughout the Russian Federation.

In January 2011 you have had attacks in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Kabardino-Balkaria.  At the same time Christian churches have been attacked in recent times by Islamists and moderate Muslims or alternative voices also face death.  Therefore, Aslan Tsipinov was killed in Kabardino-Balkaria-Karachai by Islamists because he was deemed to be an “idolator” (mushrik) and it is clear that Islamists are intent on enforcing Islamic Sharia law and ruling by fear.

The latest terrorist attack highlights the ongoing threat of Islamic terrorism in the Russian Federation and it is clear that internal Islamic organization and external Islamic organizations are working in tandem.  Terrorist networks have also been developed between Islamic networks within the North Caucasus and with international terrorists who have an Islamic agenda and who seek to spread Islam by the sword and through Islamic indoctrination.

At the same time you have an ethnic angle and an inner struggle between different branches of Islam in the North Caucasus and this applies to indigenous Islam versus Wahhabi inspired Islam.  Therefore, many moderate Muslim leaders, like Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov who was killed in Dagestan, have been killed by Islamic radicals.

Overall, it is clear that you have major problems in the North Caucasus and this instability is infringing on other parts of the Russian Federation.  At the same time you have Islamists who dream of creating either an Islamic caliphate or independent Islamic states.  Therefore, internal and external Islamic forces will continue to challenge the central state and moderate Muslims will also face the wrath of radical Sunni Islam in the North Caucasus.

Lee Jay Walker  

December 1, 2010

The forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo

 The forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo


Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times  

Bosnian Islamic fighters -
Bosnian Islamic fighters during their Jihad which
 was blessed by President Bill Clinton

I come from a member state of the European Union which is meant to uphold the rights of all religions, political ideologies, acknowledge national and cultural rights, and is meant to spread “European brotherhood.”  However, it appears that this does not apply to the Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo respectively because not only have they been abandoned but outside Islamic powers are stepping up their Islamization agenda in both Bosnia and Kosovo.

In Kosovo the de-Christianization of the Orthodox Christian community continues and hundreds of Orthodox Christian churches have been destroyed but little was done to protect this community.  It should be remembered that the Christian Serbs helped to preserve the shared European identity in history from the marauding Islamic Turks who enslaved countless numbers of Christians throughout the Balkans during the Ottoman Empire.

Yet in modern times it is clear that Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other non-European nations, are intent on creating an Islamized Balkans and this applies to Albania, Bosnia, the Sandzak in Serbia, northeastern Bulgaria and the Rhodope Mountains region, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. At the same time increasing Islamic immigration in Greece is creating tensions and Turkey is intent on preserving its armed forces in northern Cyprus.

The above mentioned places may sometimes have a continuous border line or they may be divided by geography and thinking because you have many branches within Islam. However, for pan-Islamists in Bosnia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and a host of other nations, it is a dream and clearly the European Union alongside America supported the “green flag of Islam” during the collapse of Yugoslavia.

In my article called Islam in Bosnia is the new stepping stone I stated that Alija Izetbegovic stated that “… Muslim nations will never accept anything that is explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap nothing but hate and resistance. …”

Izetbegovic was a pan-Islamist and he allowed thousands of Islamic terrorists from all over the world to join his Islamic jihadist campaign by allowing them to slaughter innocent Orthodox Christians in Bosnia. At the same time he played the “Muslim victim card” in front of the Western media.  However, Izetbegovic shared the same global jihadist ideals and pan-Islamic thought patterns because he stated   … In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. …”

Vojin Joksimovich who is the author of “The Revenge of the Prophet” highlights the international nature of Islam in Bosnia because he states that “The jihadists, from their bases and support facilities in Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, did not come to Bosnia only to fight against the ‘Serbian aggressor,’ but for the first European religious state at large, for the establishment of the only faith among the European Muslims.”  (Page 145)

This comment highlights the reality of Izetbegovic and the pan-Islamic card. Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that the “Creation of Islamic states, so-called Jamahirya states, was the ultimate objective of all these movements.  With the Koran in their hands the jihadists did not distinguish between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, only between believers and unbelievers.”  (Page 145)

However, Islamic jihadists and pan-Islamists from Bosnia and other parts of the world had only a short period to enact their Islamic jihad via the sword and this applies to when war broke out in Bosnia and Kosovo respectively.  Yet the military battlefield and “Muslim victim card” image would lay the foundation for future political and religious ambitions in the Balkans and of course Bosnia would be the stepping stone that would help the ambitions of people like Izetbegovic.

In an article written by Bojan Pancevski in The Sunday Times newspapers which is published in the United Kingdom he comments (Saudis fund Balkan Muslims spreading hate of the west – March 28, 2010) that SAUDI ARABIA is pouring hundreds of millions of pounds into Islamist groups in the Balkans, some of which spread hatred of the West and recruit fighters for jihad in Afghanistan”.  

The article continues by stating that According to officials in Macedonia, Islamic fundamentalism threatens to destabilize the Balkans. Strict Wahhabi and Salafi factions funded by Saudi organisations are clashing with traditionally moderate local Muslim communities.”

Sources also reveal that “Classified documents seen by The Sunday Times reveal that Macedonian officials are also investigating a number of Islamic charities, some in Saudi Arabia, which are active throughout the Balkans and are suspected of spreading extremism and laundering money for terrorist organisations.”  

The article also highlights the sinister reality of Saudi Arabia by stating that “Hundreds of millions have been poured into Macedonia alone in the past decade and most of it comes from Saudi Arabia,” said a government source. “The Saudis’ main export seems to be ideology, not oil.”

 “The West has put considerable political and financial efforts into helping build democracy in Bosnia following its civil war in the 1990s. Saudi organizations have also asserted considerable influence, giving more than £450m to build more than 150 mosques and Islamic centres.”

Therefore, while Muslim nations and radical Islamic charities are spreading radical Islam in the Balkans you have the reality of Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo being abandoned and clearly the Bosnian Serbian entity is not desired by America, the European Union or important Islamic nations.

In my article called Radical Islamic Charities and Jihad in the Balkans I highlight Vojin Joksimovich again because he states thatBosnia established a successful model for embattled countries around the world: organizing, arming, and funding mujahideen units, skimming money from humanitarian charities, linking up with crime bosses including narco-terrorists, etc.  Islamism both produces and profits from mayhem.  Albeit to a much lesser magnitude, the Bosnian model was replicated later on in Kosovo, Southern Serbia and Macedonia.  Al Qaeda and the Taliban found a route for the heroin trafficking from Afghanistan into Europe via the Balkans.”  Page 150

I also commented in the same article that ….just like the rise of the Taliban and radical Islam in modern day southern Thailand and Pakistan, it is the role of the Islamic madrasas which must be eliminated and not merely contained. The role of Islamic charities must also be tackled because many are a gateway to spreading radical Islam and if this “gateway” is not stopped and challenged, then alongside religious Islamic educational institutions which are sponsored by Saudi nationals and others; then the spread of radical Islam will not be defeated.

It is clear that America and the European Union desires a unified Bosnia and Islamic elites within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are hoping that the Republic Srpska will be swallowed up.

Currently you have a Christian majority within all of Bosnia but the majority is slender and given the higher Muslim birthrate and the reality of what happened to the majority Christian population of Kosovo in history then the future looks bleak. In truth, if you look at history then it is nigh impossible to find a stable Muslim democratic nation where democracy flourished and where religious minorities also grew and had full equality within the legal system.

De-Christianization in Kosovo is a modern day reality when it applies to the Serbian Orthodox Christian community and this applies to the decreasing Serbian population, destruction of Christian churches, the eradication of Serbian architecture, and constant persecution and marginalization by the majority Muslim Albanian population.

The late Patriarch Pavle who sadly passed away in November, 2009, stated ( that This humble publication is our cry and appeal to the Christian and civilized world. It is distressing to learn that in the year of the greatest Christian Jubilee, at the end of two millenniums of Christianity, Christian churches are still being destroyed, not in a war but in the time of peace guaranteed by the international community. We hope that these photos of the destroyed and desecrated Orthodox shrines will awaken the conscience of those who are able to stop the crimes and believe that they who already stood up against one evil will not remain just passive witnesses of another evil happening now in their presence.”

However, the same mass media which distorted the conflict is now the same mass media which is mainly silent about current events in Kosovo. Also, the Bosnian Serbian leadership in Republic Srpska is marginalized by the international community because Western nations prefer the Muslim elites in Sarajevo.

Maybe one day the Serbian Orthodox Christian community in Bosnia will face the same fate which befell their co-religionists in Kosovo.  After all, Islamic nations and organizations are funding many Islamic institutions throughout the region and added to the higher Muslim birthrate and pro-American policies towards the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo then this could become a future reality.

What is clear is that time is not on the side of the Republic Srpska because either it will join with Serbia or become an independent state whereby Serbians will be guaranteed their freedom. Or it will be swallowed up by the American backed unitary Bosnian state under the Muslim elites of Bosnia and with the full backing of many Islamic nations.

If the latter happens and with the reality of the higher Muslim birthrate then in time the Serbian population will be further marginalized. Or at worse the Bosnian Serbs will face their “Kosovo Golgotha” and given the events of past history and the ongoing reality of de-Christianization of the Serbian Orthodox Christian community in Kosovo then this scenario is a clear possibility.

Lee Jay Walker

 ( This article is dedicated to Liz Milanovich who cares deeply about the plight of Christian Serbs in Kosovo and throughout the former Yugoslavia.  Liz Milanovich helps me greatly by providing daily information.)


November 4, 2010

Radical Islamic charities and jihad in the Balkans

Radical Islamic charities and jihad in the Balkans

Written by Lee Jay Walker


Christian slaves under Turkish rule in the Balkans


 The role of Islamic charities is a serious issue because many are based on spreading radical Islam via indoctrination or by supporting terrorism or political goals which should be way outside their remit.  Indeed, the war in Bosnia resembled the same patterns which flowed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Philippines, and other nations, whereby Islamic terrorism or radical ideology or a fusion of both were transported via Islamic charities.   

 It is vital that these channels are fully closed in Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo (Serbia), Macedonia, and other areas in the Balkans.  If not, then this region will further fragment and religious polarization and communal tensions will increase and radical Islam will continue to enhance its foothold in this part of Europe.

Added to this, it is clear that international Islamists will also try to use the Balkans in order to plan covert terrorist attacks and to enforce Sharia Islamic law on people who reside in majority held Muslim areas.  After all, for international Islamists it appears that time is on their side because the Muslim birthrate is much higher than the Christian birthrate in this part of Europe. 

Therefore, some Islamic charities are intent on installing mass propaganda, indoctrination, a sense of victimization, and the need to transform more moderate Muslims into “true Muslims” via the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam. 

In truth, this is not only happening in the Balkans because the same struggles and methods are happening in the United Kingdom and a host of other nations.  For example in my article called the USA and the Internal Islamic Threat’ I quote B. Raman (Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi) who states that “For the last fifteen years, there has been a conflict between the Deobandis and the Barelvis for the control of the mosques and their funds not only in Pakistan, but also in the UK. Previously, the Barelvis used to control the mosques in the UK frequented by immigrants from the sub-continent, but they have since been driven out by the Deobandis and Wahabis. This was the starting point for the radicalization of the Pakistani-origin Muslims in the UK and in the other countries of West Europe. The ISI (Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence) has been supporting the Sipah-e-Sahaba and the LEJ in Pakistan as well as in West Europe.”

I also point out that “….the Muslim community in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s is very different to elements within the Muslim community today.”  However, more alarming for the Balkans is that the Muslim minority in Bosnia (largest single group now but not a majority) and Macedonia will in time become a majority.  Therefore, what happens over the following decades will pave the way ahead for either a confrontational region or where accommodation can be met.

If we look at past events in Kosovo and Turkey then it is clear that these mainly Christian areas of the Balkans became Islamized because of war, ethnic cleansing, persecution, dhimmitude, slavery, forced conversions, jizya, indoctrination, discrimination in law, and so forth. 

Added to this, is the reality that Islam is an ideology and religion which is fused together and non-Muslims who have lived under Islamic Sharia law have all faced only one outcome.  This outcome is the dwindling of their religious flock or like in Turkey it culminated in the Armenian/Assyrian/Greek genocide of 1915 which witnessed the deaths of millions of Christians.

The Orthodox Christians of the Balkans and Hindus of the Indian subcontinent only survived because of their huge numbers but major Islamic inroads were achieved.  For example in Albania, Bangladesh, Kosovo, and Pakistan, you have Muslim majorities after past Islamic invasions and you have significant minorities in Bulgaria, Bosnia, Cyprus, Macedonia, and Montenegro. 

It is also clear that Islam did not modernize society; on the contrary, it merely created stagnation and religious bigotry on a grand scale.  Therefore, today you have major religious persecution of Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs, in Pakistan and in Bangladesh you have to add on the persecution of Buddhists and other minorities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

India may not be perfect and religious and ethnic tensions also erupt from time to time, however, India is a flourishing democracy and all religions have freedom and equality.  Also, the government of India supports and protects the citizens of this nation by a legal system which is equal to all religious members.   

However, Islamic Sharia law is based on the supremacy of Islam over all other faith groups and past history and modern history tells us about mass persecution.  After all, in modern day Saudi Arabia they will not allow one single Christian church or Buddhist place of worship and conversion from Islam is deemed punishable by death.

Indeed, it is Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations which are causing mayhem today in the Balkans because they desire to spread radical Islam.  Therefore, turning back to the role of charities we should take heed of what was stated by Vojin Joksimovich in his book called ‘The Revenge of The Prophet.’

Vojin Joksimovich highlights this in chapter five because he focuses on the role of Islamic charities. This applies to terrorism, indoctrination and the goal of creating an Islamic state in Bosnia and for others, then much further.  On page 161 of ‘The Revenge of The Prophet’ the author Vojin Joksimovich informs us that the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA) stated that “Bosnia must become a Muslim state eventually, for if that did not happen, then the whole war would be senseless and would have been fought for nothing – concluded in 1994 Elfatih Ali Hasanejin (Elfatih Hassanein), the head of the organization the TWRA”  (Miroslav Toholj, p.81)

It is clear, therefore, that many Islamic charities are not like Christian Aid, for example, instead they are directly involved in either terrorist networks or Islamization or a mixture of both, depending on the given charity.

Vojin Joksimovich also highlights this by stating that “There was a close partnership between the Islamist network in the U.S. and the one in Bosnia.  Emerson, in his testimony to the U.S. Congress, pointed out the entire spectrum of radical groups from the Middle East has been replicated in the U.S. (Steven Emerson, 1998) Page 151

“Emerson cited Oliver Revell, former Associate FBI Deputy Director: The U.S. is the most preferred and easiest place in the world for radical Islamic groups to set up their headquarters to wage war in their homelands, destabilize and attack American allies and ultimately move against the U.S. itself”  (ibid.) Page 151

Vojin Joksimovich adds that “Much of this has changed since 9/11 and the passage of the Patriot Act.  However, with the new American administration of President Obama reaching out to the so-called Islamic world then maybe America “is closing its eyes again” because even the usage of ‘Islamic terrorism’ is now on the back burner and instead it is appeasement time once more.

John Pomfret, Washington Post Foreign Service, wrote an article called ‘Bosnia’s Muslims Dodged Embargo’ (Sunday, September 22, 1996; Page A01).  He stated that Last September, European police backed by anti-terrorist squads raided the office here of a seemingly obscure organization, the Third World Relief Agency, headed by a one-time Sudanese diplomat named Elfatih Hassanein.”

“Since then, poring over several van loads of documents, they have pieced together one of the untold stories of the Bosnian war: how Bosnia’s Muslim-led government evaded a United Nations arms embargo and purchased hundreds of millions of dollars worth of black-market weapons.”

“In the documents and in the bank accounts of the Third World Relief Agency, Austrian investigators have tracked $350 million they say flowed from Muslim governments and radical Islamic movements to Bosnia. At least half was used to purchase weapons illegally and smuggle them to the Bosnian government army, according to Western intelligence estimates.”

This article highlights the linkage between so-called Islamic charities and the reality of what was really happening.  This applies to linkages between the TWRA, elements within the Bosnian Muslim leadership including Alija Izetbegovic, Osama Bin Laden, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, and a host of other major terrorists and nations which were either friends or foe of America. 

The article also highlights the role of Bill Clinton and his role in allowing these terrorist networks to move freely despite many massacres against innocent Christians and in the knowledge of what Islamic terrorism meant.

John Pomfret continues by stating that“The agency took funds and support for Bosnia from wherever it could find it, and the bulk of the cash originated in the Middle East: Iran was a big contributor, as was Sudan, which like Iran is on the U.S. State Department’s watch-list of countries that support terrorism. Saudi Arabia was the largest contributor, according to banking officials and intelligence sources, and donations also came from pro-Western countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Brunei and Malaysia.”

“But militants in the terrorist underworld are also believed to have used the relief agency to get money to the Bosnian government, including the wealthy Saudi Arabian émigré Osama Bin Laden, a suspected sponsor of militant Islamic groups around the Middle East. Bin Laden, a resident of Sudan until last year, is reportedly now in Afghanistan, where he has issued statements calling for attacks on U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf.”

“Investigators say the agency also had ties to Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, a radical Egyptian cleric who was convicted of planning several terrorist bombings in New York and is linked to the group that carried out the World Trade Center bombing in February 1993. Intelligence agencies say they have tapes of telephone calls by Rahman to the agency’s office, during which he discussed its commitment to sell the sheik’s videotapes and sermons in mosques around Europe.”

“Hassanein, identified by Western sources as a member of Sudan’s ruling National Islamic Front, built his arms smuggling operation with Islamic activists from Bosnia who, like him, had ties to Izetbegovic, the Bosnian president. Several of these men now hold senior positions in the Bosnian government and, according to U.S. officials, they form the core of a radical Islamic movement that has resisted U.S. attempts to exert influence over the army and security services.”

The CIA also states that prominent Islamic charities were involved in terrorism because the report which was given to the State Department (1/1996) states that “……of more than 50 Islamic nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in existence, “available information indicates that approximately one-third… support terrorist groups or employ individuals who are suspected of having terrorist connections.” The report notes that most of the offices of NGOs active in Bosnia are located in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Zenica, and Tuzla. There are coordination councils there organizing the work of the charity fronts.”

“The report notes that some charities may be “backed by powerful interest groups,” including governments. “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission – are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.” The Wall Street Journal will later comment, “Disclosure of the report may raise new questions about whether enough was done to cut off support for terrorism before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001… and about possible involvement in terrorism by Saudi Arabian officials.” (Central Intelligence Agency, 1/1996; Wall Street Journal, 5/9/2003)

Moving back to recent times in the Balkans it is clear that many radical Islamic organizations are intent on spreading radical Islam and charity organizations must be investigated closely and the same applies to educational institutions.  After all, radical Islamists are good at spreading their own version of Islam and if these money channels are not closed down and monitored correctly then another southern Thailand or Pakistan may develop within Europe?

Returning back to Vojin Joksimovich he states that “Bosnia established a successful model for embattled countries around the world: organizing, arming, and funding mujahideen units, skimming money from humanitarian charities, linking up with crime bosses including narco-terrorists, etc.  Islamism both produces and profits from mayhem.  Albeit to a much lesser magnitude, the Bosnian model was replicated later on in Kosovo, Southern Serbia and Macedonia.  Al Qaeda and the Taliban found a route for the heroin trafficking from Afghanistan into Europe via the Balkans.”  Page 150

Overall, just like the rise of the Taliban and radical Islam in modern day southern Thailand and Pakistan, it is the role of the Islamic madrasas which must be eliminated and not merely contained.  The role of Islamic charities must also be tackled because many are a gateway to spreading radical Islam and if this “gateway” is not stopped and challenged, then alongside religious Islamic educational institutions which are sponsored by Saudi nationals and others; then the spread of radical Islam will not be defeated.

The wars in the former Yugoslavia were very different to the mass media versions.  After all, Alija Izetbegovic stated his dream of an Islamic state and fellow pan-Islamists did not care about Bosnia but they did care about the creation of an Islamic state and in time an Islamic Caliphate.

Turning back to a quote from the book by Vojin Joksimovich on Page 161“Bosnia must become a Muslim state eventually, for if that did not happen, then the whole war would be senseless and would have been fought for nothing – concluded in 1994 Elfatih Ali Hasanejin (Elfatih Hassanein).”

This statement is what Alija Izetbegovic believed in and fellow Islamists like Elfatih Hassanein and Osama Bin Laden shared the same agenda.  The battlefield may be silent now however for Islamists it is only just starting and now it is the turn for other networks to Islamize Bosnia and the Balkans.




Vojin Joksimovich:  The Revenge of the Prophet

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October 25, 2010

USA: failed quadrangle of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia

USA: failed quadrangle of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia

Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times


Obama bows to the King of Saudi Arabia in the full knowledge that this nation is exporting militant Islam and that all apostates from Islam face the death penalty 

Obama bows to the King of Saudi Arabia in the full knowledge that this nation is exporting militant Islam and that all apostates from Islam face the death penalty


President Obama likes to talk about human dignity and human rights but clearly he, just like other leaders of America, irrespective if Democrat or Republican, can’t bypass the lure of major military contracts irrespective of the reality of modern day Saudi Arabia.  It also appears that lessons learnt from Pakistan have been zero.  Therefore, today you have two nations which are responsible for so much of global terrorism but ironically both these nations have been military armed and supported politically by America.

It is also abundantly clear that Pakistan is an unstable nuclear power and this nation state is threatened by its own internal policies towards radical Sunni Islamic organizations and the threat posed by Islamists to the nation state.  Just like Pakistan, the nation state of Saudi Arabia is also unstable in the long-term because the ruling monarchy rules via an “iron-fist” and clearly this nation is the most draconian in the modern world.

If Islamists overthrew the power mechanisms of both governments in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia then a strong and potent military will be bequeathed to radical Sunni Islamists and regional nations, for example India and Israel, will be threatened. 

In both wars in Afghanistan and Iraq it is clear that Sunni Islamic organizations and terrorist organizations were (and continue to be) behind much of the mayhem that engulfed both nations after the tragic events of September 11th.  Given this, it is abundantly clear that American troops and military forces from other nations who supported America, have been killed because of the policies of so-called allies and this applies to either tacit support, covert support, or by doing little to prevent Sunni Islamists from spreading their hatred in both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Vojin Joksimovich the author of The Revenge of the Prophet, states that The long-term strategy is proselytism of Islam and Wahhabi Islam in particular.  French scholar Giles Kepel used the term ‘petrodollar Islam’ for a vast infusion of proselytizing wealth from Saudi Arabia.  Proselytism and the checkbook diplomacy long have been the Saudis’ principal foreign policy tools.  The Saudis have built thousands of mosques worldwide.  While the Islamist terrorism is being challenged the petrodollar Islam quest is yet to receive due attention.”   (Page 11 – Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich)

Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating “At the core is the U.S.-Saudi bond starting with the 1945 Quincy Deal signed by President Roosevelt…….Part of the deal was American non-interference in Saudi domestic policies…..At the same time Saudi Arabia is the fortress of strict Wahhabism, its state religion, which represents the most radical branch of Sunni Islam determined to proselytize its version of Islam to the West.  The House of Saud underwrote the religious schools that turn out jihadists, just as it administered charities that funded the jihadists.  Addiction to cheap oil and Saudi petrodollars caused the U.S. to turn a blind eye to Saudi support of the fundamentalist groups linked to terrorism.  A New Statesman report summarized: ‘Bin Laden and his gang are just the tentacles; the head lies safely in Saudi Arabia, protected by U.S. forces.’”

“There is substantive evidence of complicity on the part of prominent Saudi and Pakistani citizens in 9/11.  Nonetheless, the 9/11 Commission and the White House gave the Saudi and Pakistanis a free pass because Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are treated as historic U.S. allies.”  (Page 12 – The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich) 

Turning back to the proposed military deal with Saudi Arabia and continuing support for Pakistan via enormous economic support, it is clear that while America may take note of Israel, the same does not apply to India to any great extent.  After all, from terrorist attacks in Kashmir to the tragic terrorist attack in Mumbai, it is clear that all roads lead back to Pakistan and supporting terrorism directly or covertly or via non-compliance of preventing terrorism, is a reality.

B. Raman (Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi) commented after the leader of India visited Saudi Arabia (Feb 27-Mar 1, 2010) that Like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia has been following a dual policy on terrorism. It has taken ruthless action against Al Qaeda elements posing a threat to its internal security. At the same time, it has avoided taking action against Wahhabi organizations which have been supporting terrorism in other countries. Many of the so-called charity organizations, which have been funding terrorist organizations in other countries including India and Bangladesh, are of Saudi origin. Despite international pressure on Saudi Arabia to act against such charity organizations and stop the flow of funds to global jihadi terrorism, the action taken by the Saudi authorities has been unsatisfactory.Quotes from Outlook India at 

It would be futile to expect that Saudi Arabia could be of assistance to India in dealing with jihadi terrorism emanating from Pakistan or Bangladesh. There has been a long history of links between jihadi terrorist elements in India and Saudi Arabia ever since the demolition of the Babri Masjid in December, 1992.”   

Despite this reality, and the fact that Saudi Arabia is spreading radical Sunni Islam to countless numbers of nations it is more than apparent that America, and a host of other democratic nations, are either turning a blind eye or giving tacit approval or intelligence services are sleepwalking into a future nightmare or indeed a combination of all three.

After all, what are democratic nations getting in return in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia?  It appears that the answer is negative because despite vast resources being spent on Afghanistan it is clear that this nation supports killing converts to Christianity from Islam, keeping women in chains, and to maintain the power mechanisms of Islamic Sharia law.

The Taliban and Al-Qaeda are also destabilizing Afghanistan because of the reality of Pakistan and the dangerous game being played by elements within the Pakistan ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence).  For democratic India this is a nightmare and a continuing nightmare because Kashmir and terrorist attacks like Mumbai are clear reminders that “terrorism is a tool within the body politic of Pakistan.”

In Saudi Arabia it is much the same and many Sunni Islamic terrorist attacks in Iraq were because of the involvement of Saudi nationals. This applies to direct terrorist attacks, economic funding, supporting radical Sunni Islamic organizations, spreading propaganda, and weakening the role of the central government in Iraq by playing the Sunn-Shia sectarian card.

At the same time not one single non-Muslim place of worship is allowed in Saudi Arabia and women are trampled on and this applies to preventing women from speaking openly, going shopping in mixed shopping malls, driving cars, and dressing how they desire.  

More alarming for the international community is that Saudi Arabian organizations and charities are spreading a dangerous Wahhabi ideology to many nations, irrespective if to mainly Muslim nations or non-Muslim nations.  Stealth jihad within democratic nations is also a serious issue and it is clear that Saudi Arabia is exporting a two-fold version of Islam and this applies to militant Islam and liberal Islam in order to cause confusion and mayhem, via deceit and ulterior long-term motives.

Therefore, economic support which is being given by Western nations in Afghanistan is merely adding fuel to the fire because it is supporting the implementation of Islamic Sharia law and discrimination against women and non-Muslims.  At the same time by supporting Pakistan and Saudi Arabia the end game from an Islamist point of view is that both nations can spread Islam to distant lands and destabilize other nations by using terrorism.

This means that India is facing the brunt of this failed policy towards Pakistan and radical Sunni Islam is growing within parts of India and of course the terrorist threat is never far away.  In Iraq the same happened because much of the Sunni Islamic instability is based on the Saudi Arabian angle and this applies to terrorism, spreading hatred towards the Shia, and maintaining instability in order that democracy does not threaten the power base of regional despots.

For the Christian community in Iraq which is under siege it is clear that they were mere fodder.  After all, the Christian community was left to face the brunt of radical Islam, and just like the Hindus of Kashmir, they have been abandoned and forsaken in order to appease Islamists and Islamization.  How ironic that Iraq was secular, just like Afghanistan under Najibullah, however, both Iraq and Afghanistan would implement Islamic Sharia law after America became entangled and created a “hornets nest.”

Therefore, the three conservative Islamic nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, are allowed to trample non-Muslim minorities and to maintain that women stay in the shadows.  At the same time, militant Islamic organizations are spreading to other parts of the world because of the role of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and the money and educational supply route is creating mayhem within majority Muslim nations and within the non-Muslim democratic world.

Western governments appear to be at a loss because continuing Islamic immigration, radical Islamic organizations, and the radical Islamic convert conveyor belt keeps on churning out jihad at home and enabling Islamists to spread their hatred far and wide.  Meanwhile liberal Muslims jump on the bandwagon and condemn any minor slight against Islam in order to install fear and stealth jihad.  Also, Muslim rights appear to be higher for national governments rather than the rights of the majority because appeasement mode is holding sway.

Vojin Joksimovich states that “The most pressing underlying root cause is the Saudi Wahhabi-led petrodollar hegemony over the Islamic world, typically but not exclusively exercised through organizations like the Muslim World League, Organization of Islamic Conference, various Islamic so-called humanitarian organizations, etc.”

Vojin Joksimovich continues by stating that “It is imperative to starve these terrorist organizations of financial resources and recruits.  The present generation of Western leaders has been unwilling to take bold steps for two primary reasons: The oil addiction in what could be termed Petrolistan as well as the petrodollars ploughed back into the Western economies and various individual and corporate coffers.” Page 305 – The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich)

It is clear that when communism collapsed in Eastern Europe that Western powers supported democracy and they did not desire to pro-up communism.  However, when it comes to the Islamic world it is apparent that Western powers either pro-up or re-install Islam, Islamic Sharia law, and state control by this indoctrination.

After all, Christians did not fear the role of Islamic Sharia law in the pre-attacked Iraq and irrespective of what people think about Najibullah in Afghanistan it is clear that he at least tried to break the chain.  However, both times America re-enforced the Islamic Sharia law chain by overthrowing the leader of Iraq and by supporting Islamists in Afghanistan.

Could it just be that India is expendable in order to appease Pakistan?  Could it just be that Christians in Iraq were expendable in order to appease the house of Islam?  If so, then are Western societies also expendable with regards to allowing radical Islam to grow and by continuing to allow Muslim immigration which is altering the make-up of many nations in Europe?

Also, why are American troops and allied forces being killed with the tacit approval of so-called allies in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?  It appears somewhat strange to fight wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while supporting Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on the military and economic front. 

B. Raman in response to recent support by America towards Pakistan stated that “The Pakistan army uses the Punjabi Taliban against India in an attempt to force a change in the status quo in Jammu and Kashmir.  It has been using Al Qaeda, the Pashtun Taliban and their global jihadi allies for extracting money out of the US by dangling the threat of another 9/11 over the US head if it does not pay protection money to the Pakistan army.”

“Despite the blunt words reportedly used by Obama, Mrs. Clinton and Gates in more restricted interactions, more protection money was forthcoming in the form of a five-year commitment (2021-2016) of US $2.29 billion in military aid euphemistically called counter-terrorism assistance.  This will be in continuation of the allocation of US $1.5 billion provided by the George Bush Administration in 2005 and of the civilian aid of US $7.5 billion over five-year period already being provided by the Obama Administration since last year under the Kerry Lugar Act.”  (  (October 24, 2010)

This, and the proposed mega military deal by the Obama Administration with Saudi Arabia, merely shows you that the “war on terror” is being fought by propping up allies who are increasing the “war on terror” and exporting Islamic radicalism and terrorism to nations like India, the United Kingdom, and a host of other nation states. 

Therefore, despite knowing that Islamists are spreading their hatred from both so-called allies and in the full knowledge that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are exporting radical Islam; it appears that for Obama, and other Western leaders, that the same record must be played.  The hidden danger of this policy and untold carnage which is continuing because of these “two ace of spades (Pakistan and Saudi Arabia)” is alarming many but it appears that it isn’t alarming the people in power in Washington, London, and other nations, who support this policy of “no reward and Islamic appeasement.”

Collectively this means more terrorism and the spread of Islamic militancy and instead of containing Islam it is spreading its power and thought patterns to the democratic world. The situation in blunt terms means that all other faiths are being crushed or persecuted by the allies of America in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.  However, in the backyard of America and the democratic world we are witnessing the rise of Islam and stealth jihad.  Therefore, it appears that America, India, the United Kingdom, and the free world, must brace itself for either confrontation or to be taken over brick by brick and end up like the graveyard of Buddhists and Hindus in Afghanistan and Pakistan respectively.

Lee Jay Walker

BOOK  –  The Revenge of the Prophet by Vojin Joksimovich