Archive for October, 2011

October 25, 2011

Saudi Arabia: Child marriage, the Hadiths and the Islamophobia card

Saudi Arabia: Child marriage, the Hadiths and the Islamophobia card

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker 

Modern Tokyo Times

Saudi Arabia continues to allow old men to marry young girls aged eight years old and upwards. The mantra by Muslims and converts to Islam, is that Islam equals morality and that Mohammed is a great role model but this depends on your interpretation of a good role model?  Therefore, with Saudi Arabia supporting Islamic Sharia law and believing that society should be based on what Mohammed did and stated in the Hadiths, it is clear that child marriage is sanctioned because Mohammed also married a child.

This reality is creating a problem for the Guardians of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. If this nation modernizes, then it may be seen to be pandering to Western morals and increasing the age of marriage will be challenged by conservative Sunni Islamic leaders in Saudi Arabia.

Ironically, the people who use the “Islamophobia card” are basically trying to prevent individuals speaking out against Islamic Sharia law. This is despite the fact that Islamic Sharia law and the Hadiths support pedophilia, killing homosexuals, killing apostates, chopping hands and feet off for petty crimes, stoning people to death for adultery, and other draconian laws. All these draconian measures are based on the life and sayings of Mohammed.

Therefore, if people are deemed to be “Islamophobic” for fighting against the brutal reality of many Islamic states which are based on hatred and supporting the abuse of children, apostates, homosexuals, and others; then in a world based on justice and morality the overwhelming majority of people should be deemed to be “Islamophobic.”

However, democratic nations, the mass media on a whole, international child advocates, and major institutions like the United Nations are not doing enough to fight against a legal system which clearly discriminates against non-Muslims and allows children to be married to old men. 

More surprisingly is that major religious leaders, irrespective if they are Christian, Buddhist, or whatever, appear to be fearful of speaking out against this injustice. The political correct brigade and “trendy left” and “trendy liberals” appear to have “sold their soul” because if anyone speaks out against the brutal reality of Sharia Islamic law then they are deemed to be “Islamophobic.”

However, it is the political correct brigade, “trendy left” and “trendy liberals” who have joined forces with a legal system and a religion which supports pedophilia; killing homosexuals; supporting the notion that a female testimony is unequal in law; killing or victimizing apostates; and supporting a dhimmitude system which states that non-Muslims are unequal. 

Not only this, it is only Islamic sources which are being used by individuals who fear the growing threat of Islamic Sharia law.  Despite this, freedom to counter the reality of Islamic Sharia law in nations like Saudi Arabia or rebuking the most draconian aspects of this legal system is being crushed by political correctness and moral relativism.

Therefore, despite a raped teenager being stoned to death in Somalia by Sunni Islamists; converts to Christianity being beheaded in Somalia; homosexuals being hanged in Iran; women facing being whipped in Saudi Arabia for not covering up; non-Muslim men facing the death penalty if marrying a Muslim female in several Islamic Sharia law based nations; old men marrying young girls in nations like Saudi Arabia and Yemen; people facing the death penalty in Pakistan for blasphemy; and so much more, including the unequal testimony of women and chopping hands and feet off; this hatred is being allowed because of the weakness of nations and the failure of people to confront this reality.

Turning back to Saudi Arabia, in an earlier article by Modern Tokyo Times it was stated that “On the one hand the Saudi Arabian legal system of Islamic law supports killing people for adultery and homosexuality. However, on the other hand it is deemed to be Islamic to marry a young child of 8 years of age or 9 years of age, irrespective if the male is 30 years old or 40 years old, or even older. Surely these morals are twisted?”

“Before focusing even more on the strange morals of the Saudi Arabian legal system it is vital to state why child marriages are allowed. This of course applies to Mohammed. “After all, when Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, was 49 years of age he married a 6 year old child called Aisha. When Aisha was 9 years old and Mohammed was 52 years old, he consummated the marriage.”

“Therefore, this sets a major problem for the conservative Islamic religious leaders in Saudi Arabia because they want to govern society by the laws of Islamic Sharia Law and the Hadiths. If they support increasing the age of marriage like the majority of mainly Muslim nations have done, then how does this fit in with the legal system being based on the teachings of Mohammed?”

This is a real problem for Saudi Arabia because the majority of Muslim nations have introduced laws which protect children by increasing the marriage age.  Also, more secularized Muslim majority nations have introduced reforms whereby the most draconian aspects of Sharia Islamic law have been rejected.

However, many conservative and radical Islamic organizations in the so-called Muslim world and within Western nations desire to re-introduce the most draconian aspects of Islamic Sharia law. 

Turning back to Saudi Arabia and allowing old men to marry young girls then clearly this is based on the Hadiths. The following quotes are from highly acclaimed Islamic scholars and these Hadiths have been known since the early days of Islam.

“Narrated Aisha: The prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six. We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Harith Kharzraj” and it continues that “Unexpectedly Allah’s Messenger came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.” Sahih Al-Bukhari states in volume 5, 234

“Aisha reported: Allah’s Messenger married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine…..” Muslim, volume 2, 3309

“Narrated Aisha: that the prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.” Al-Bukhari

Therefore, the Hadiths vindicate religious leaders and the kingdom’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh, commented that “A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she’s too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her.” From an Islamic point of view and based on what Mohammed did, then the Grand Mufti is technically correct – however, how is this moral and why no reformation like in other faiths?

In an earlier article it was stated that “…a judge in Saudi Arabia justified the right of an 8 year-old child to marry a man of 47 years of age. Even after the mother signed a petition to demand the annulment of the marriage, the judge still refused because of the teachings of Islam. Therefore the judge, Sheikh Habib Abdallah al-Habib, refused openly to annul the marriage and in his eyes it is morally right to marry a child to an old man.”

In the modern world you still have seven Islamic Sharia law based nations where apostasy is punishable by death.  Also, in nations like Saudi Arabia men who are very old are allowed to marry young girls.  Therefore, it is time for nations like Saudi Arabia to be challenged and the same applies to societies which sanction child marriage to old men.

Also, in modern day Saudi Arabia many Muslim citizens are fed-up and ashamed by religious clerics and some brave human rights organizations in this nation desire change.  It is vital that their voice is heard and supported. please visit

October 25, 2011

Gaddafi killed and possibly tortured by the forces of the Revolution

Gaddafi killed and possibly tortured by the forces of the Revolution

Joachim de Villiers and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Reports and images coming out of Libya show that Muammar Gaddafi is dead and that his final moments on this earth were based on fear and mob justice. Apparently he was still alive when captured and according to Gabriel Gatehouse from the BBC in Sirte he comments that “I have spoken to the man who says that he captured him… he said he found him hiding in a hole in the centre.”

Other reports claim that he was shot in both legs and from being found in a hole to this, then it would appear that he was tortured, tormented, and shot.  The new Libya appears to be based on “mob justice” and the possible torture of the former leader of Libya leaves a sour taste, irrespective of the past deeds by Gaddafi.

Americans were disgusted when Islamists in Somalia dragged the bodies of dead American troops into the streets. However, today it was the forces of Western anti-Gaddafi loyalists who were dragging the body of an individual who had probably been tortured. This is the sad reality of “democracy in action” and both scenes are sickening but of course it must be stated that American troops in Somalia were innocent soldiers.

Democratic leaders in America, France, and the United Kingdom, feel vindicated in the overthrow of Gaddafi because of past brutal measures by this political leader. Also, with anti-Gaddafi forces killing Gaddafi then past deals can be “washed away” and this will be pleasing because nothing is ever that simple in international relations.

Gaddafi during his 42 year reign intervened in other nations and he was clearly anti-Berber.  Therefore, you will find very few tears for Gaddafi and political activists in the past have suffered at the hands of torture. 

However, the systematic killing of Africans and the probable torture of Gaddafi in his final moments can’t be defended by anyone who supports democracy and liberty. This fact will be brushed under the carpet and Hague war crimes only apply to the enemies of people who are outside the Western elite group of nations.

This duplicity of law is what is staggering because international law doesn’t exist when it comes to morality.  Elites like Bill Clinton during his leadership could tacitly support Islamists entering Bosnia in order to kill Orthodox Christians. This covert policy was implemented and you had many ratlines linked to the Islamist Alija Izetbegovic. However, Bill Clinton could implement and turn a blind eye, without having to fear a war crime tribunal (only a court could state his innocence or guilt) and it is this arrogance which is creating a major problem.   

The world of “good” and “evil” is often dictated by political elites and special groups which manipulate the mass media. Obviously, you will always have dissent and sometimes the mass media will rebuke political elites during military ventures. However, when political elites and the mass media work together, like in Bosnia and Kosovo, then the end-game is over irrespective of the complexity.

Gaddafi tortured during his last moments 

During the conflict in Libya the military balance was turned on its head once NATO became embroiled. After this, it was an uneven conflict and Gaddafi loyalists who were intent on fighting were basically “dead men walking.”

Massacres will have taken place on both sides because all civil wars are brutal but this wasn’t a real civil war because outside forces made sure that you would only have one conclusion.

In an earlier article by two correspondents for Modern Tokyo Times called Libya: killing black Africans in the name of the revolution and democracy, it was stated that “Reports for many months have stated that Libyan rebels have been killing and persecuting black Africans in Libya once areas came under their control.  The number of reports highlighting this continues to grow and many images have been shown which show Africans being mutilated and having their bodies abused and mocked by non-black African Libyans.  This disturbing fact mocks the notion of “good” versus “evil” because both sides have committed atrocities but for black Africans it is the rebels who they fear.”

“Also, reports have stated that African Libyans are also being victimized and suffering persecution.  Therefore, since large areas have fell to the National Transitional Council (NTC) both non-African Libyans and African Libyans fear for their safety.” 

The BBC, Deutsche Welle and other major media outlets backed up this disturbing and brutal reality. Therefore, while Gaddafi doesn’t deserve “tears” because of past misdeeds and meddling in other nations. This should not alter the fact that the brutal killings of black Africans and the probable torture of Gaddafi – means that the men of democracy and the revolution are tainted. Therefore, a clear and honest organization needs to investigate this brutal reality.

Simon Jenkins, The Guardian newspaper in England, commented that We may applaud the chance of freedom about to be granted to a lucky group of oppressed people, but that doesn’t justify the means by which it is achieved: in another fury of great-power aggression. The truth is that Gaddafi’s downfall, like his earlier propping up, will have been Britain’s doing. A new Libyan regime will be less legitimate and less secure as a result.”

The reign of Gaddafi is over and the wind of history may appear to be changing but given the opposition and the weak institutions of Libya, then a possible Islamic state may be in the making. Or worse you may have a failed state whereby chaos and other forces create mayhem and hostile anti-Western forces may try to spread their ideology in parts of modern day Libya. Thereby creating a failed state and given the power of radical Islam in Algeria, then this is a distinct possibility.

Alternatively, Libya may become a European Union beach-head in North Africa whereby a nation which is blessed with natural resources truly does blossom. At the moment nothing is clear but at least the Berbers can rest more freely and now it is hoped that international pressure will safeguard African immigrants and put this at the top of the agenda.

October 19, 2011

Bosnia, Cyprus and Kosovo: America and Islamism in the Balkans

Bosnia, Cyprus and Kosovo: America and Islamism in the Balkans

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The conflicts that engulfed the former Yugoslavia still remain unresolved in the political arena and open to Western political shenanigans and covert meddling from Turkey and Saudi Arabia in Bosnia and Kosovo.  Orthodox Christianity faces many attacks and only a naïve individual would claim that America and the hands of Turkey and Saudi Arabia are clean.

America and other Western nations did little to stop Turkey invading Cyprus in 1974 and creating a de-facto nation and altering the demographics of northern Cyprus and using this area for military purposes.

Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Cyprus you have no vindication of allowing a foreign army to invade another nation and then altering the ethnic and religious nature of the society that was invaded. However, the response by America to this Turkish and Islamic invasion was not only minimal but it clearly wasn’t important enough to the elites who pull the strings.

The invasion was both nationalist in nature and religious because what is left of Orthodox Christianity in northern Cyprus?  Also, are Orthodox Christian religious leaders free to convert and spread the faith in northern Cyprus?

In Turkey ethnicity and religion is fused together by the current leader of Turkey but anti-Christian themes run deep within the psyche irrespective of the leader.  After all, Turkey is the cradle of Orthodox Christianity and “old Byzantium” but this “cradle” was destroyed by constant Islamic invasions, Turkish migration and Islamization which enslaved and sold European Christian slaves for many centuries.

The one uniting theme of the 1915 Turkish genocide which is still denied by modern day Turkey is that millions of Armenian/Assyrian/Greek Christians were slaughtered and just like “old Byzantium” and modern day northern Cyprus and Kosovo – you have very few traces of Orthodox Christianity.

Therefore, in northern Cyprus, Kosovo and “old Byzantium” the virtual 100% Christian lands have become a graveyard because of past Islamic invasions and because of recent factors. These recent factors apply to the combined forces of America, Turkey, Islamic terrorists, Saudi Arabian funding, and other important areas alongside a distorted media which is anti-Orthodox Christian.

In many Western academia circles and according to Islamic apologists we are told that Islam means peace, but in truth it means “a piece of Christianity to swallow” and then to Islamize.  How do virtual 100% Christian areas become “Orthodox Christian graveyards?”

Shaul Shay in his book called Islamic Terror and the Balkans comments on page 191 that “The “Afghan model,” in which an “ad hoc” alliance was forged between radical Islam and the West with the aim of defeating a common adversary – the Soviet Union – has recurred in the arena of confrontation between Islam and its Slav (Orthodox Christian) enemies in the Balkans. In both conflicts in the Balkans – in Bosnia and with even more intensity in Kosovo – radical Islamic factors and Iran (which is defined as a state that supports terror) chose the same side as the United States and the NATO countries.”

On page 192 Shaul Shay comments that “The case of the Balkans proves that radical Islam has apparently succeeded in developing an effective model in which it harnesses the West to realize the objectives of Islam, as reflected in the “Afghan model” and subsequently in the “Balkan model.” With regards to the Afghan case, the West did not comprehend the implications of the success of radical Islam and failed to draw the necessary conclusions, forcing it to pay a heavy toll for its errors (the September 11 offensive).”

Therefore, when Serbian troops tried to stem the tide of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in their own country, a massive Western media campaign went hand in hand with political elites in America and the United Kingdom. At the same time the Islamic terror networks were welcomed by policy makers in Washington because of past links in Afghanistan. This applies to the CIA, other agencies and government programs which trained radical Sunni Islamists to fight against the secular government of Najibullah in Afghanistan by establishing bases and allowing religious indoctrination in Pakistan.

The same America which didn’t lift a finger to help Orthodox Christians and force Turkey out of northern Cyprus, was involved in Kosovo in a flash and clearly the KLA and Islamic networks had a well-organized plan which had Washington stamped all over it.  Therefore, in three wars in the Balkans since the end of World War Two the United States supported the forces of Islam in Bosnia, northern Cyprus and Kosovo.

It mattered not if the Muslims were a minority or a majority or if an area was invaded by Turkish Muslim forces in northern Cyprus. Simply put, America sided with Islamic forces every time irrespective if outright Islamists like Alija Izetbegovic in Bosnia or with nationalist Muslims in Turkey.  The end result was the same and this applies to being anti-Orthodox Christian and implementing hypocritical policies. 

Alija Izetbegovic was a Bosnian Islamist who worked hand in hand with the Clinton administration. The same Izetbegovic welcomed international Islamic terrorists and clearly in his mind he had a long-term objective. Therefore, while the first phase was military he understood that the second phase was more potent and this applies to Islamization by stealth.

Izetbegovic commented that “… the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority. …”

“… In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. …”

The second phase is more important because it is long-lasting and based on stealth jihad and this applies to Islamization through the educational sector and other important areas.  Shaul Shay comments that “Money from Muslim states serves to fund the dissemination of Islam, mainly through educational frameworks. Some 100,000 Muslim Bosnian youths study in Islamic educational institutions today that advocate the extremist Wahhabi ideology.”

In modern day Kosovo the Orthodox Christian community is facing the brunt of Albanian nationalism and Kosovo Islamism. Ironically, for some Kosovo Albanians they also fear the growing rise of Kosovo Islamism because while Albanian nationalism and Kosovo Islamism share some common themes, it is clear that Kosovo Islamism hopes to swallow Albanian nationalism. Either way, the Orthodox Christian community is fighting for its survival in pockets of Kosovo because the “Orthodox Christian graveyard” is literal in many parts of modern day Kosovo and all in the name of democracy according to Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. 

The destruction of Orthodox Christian churches and protection of children by international armed forces from Kosovo Albanian extremists is an ongoing reality. This, and the organ scandal, doesn’t seem to alter anything because Serbian power is all but a distant memory. Therefore, a de-facto nation is being created literally on “the organs of innocents and narcotic trafficking alongside Islamic terrorist networks in Kosovo.”

Paul Lewis in an article published in The Guardian (British newspaper) on Dec 14th, states that “Kosovo’s prime minister is the head of a “mafia-like” Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through Eastern Europe, according to a Council of Europe inquiry report on organized crime.”

“The report of the two-year inquiry, which cites FBI and other intelligence sources, has been obtained by the Guardian. It names Thaçi as having over the last decade exerted “violent control” over the heroin trade. Figures from Thaçi’s inner circle are also accused of taking captives across the border into Albania after the war, where a number of Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were sold on the black market.”

In another article published by Modern Tokyo Times it is commented that “The report is clearly damning and this applies to not only the PM of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, but to all nations who have recognized Kosovo. This applies to breaking international law and making clear fabrications about the nature of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the reality of what was happening on the ground.”  

Paul Lewis continues also stated that “The report paints a picture in which ex-KLA commanders have played a crucial role in the region’s criminal activity. It says: “In confidential reports spanning more than a decade, agencies dedicated to combating drug smuggling in at least five countries have named Hashim Thaçi and other members of his Drenica group as having exerted violent control over the trade in heroin and other narcotics.”

Therefore, the policies of Bill Clinton included the green light for thousands of Islamists to enter Bosnia and in time they would slit the throats of Orthodox Christians. Not content with this, he also supported the terrorist and criminal KLA in Kosovo who have been involved in organ trafficking and heroin alongside destroying Orthodox Christianity.

In an article published by Modern Tokyo Times called Bosnia and Clinton’s Radical Islamists it was stated that “Sky news has obtained clear and proper evidence of a major cover-up and footages of massacres against Serbian Christians.  According to the investigation and footages which were shown, it is abundantly clear that thousands of radical Islamists from all over the world were given a free reign in Bosnia.”

“This free-reign meant that innocent Serbian Christians were to meet terrible and disturbing deaths at the hands of radical Islamists who celebrated openly while cutting the heads off innocent civilians.  The same Islamic forces which unleashed September 11th and which stone people to death in order to create “year zero,” were welcomed openly by Clinton and by people within his administration.”

In another called The Forgotten Orthodox Christians of Bosnia and Kosovo it was mentioned that “Maybe one day the Serbian Orthodox Christian community in Bosnia will face the same fate which befell their co-religionists in Kosovo.  After all, Islamic nations and organizations are funding many Islamic institutions throughout the region and added to the higher Muslim birthrate and pro-American policies towards the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo then this could become a future reality.”

Turning back to northern Cyprus then it is clear that de-Orthodox Christianity is a reality and the same applies to the invasion by Turkey being tolerated for so long.  This is in stark contrast to America’s intervention in Kosovo and not only this, just look at the hypocrisy of NATO because why isn’t Turkey expelled for violating the sovereignty of Cyprus?

If anybody wants to deny the religious element of northern Cyprus then an article by the Washington Times called Religious artifacts in Cyprus in “great peril” should make you think again. The article highlights the destruction of 500 Orthodox Christian churches which have been pillaged, 133 monasteries desecrated, 15,000 religious paintings have disappeared, 77 churches turned into mosques, 28 converted into military hospitals/camps and 13 have been turned into barns.

The US administration went into a panic over one Koran which was burnt but the systematic destruction of Orthodox Christianity in northern Cyprus doesn’t enter the radar. This is because either allies of America are doing this, like Turkey, and because covert policies by past leaders including Clinton have given the “green light” to Islamists in the Balkans.

It is clear that America’s lack of concern for Orthodox Christianity in northern Cyprus was a clear indicator to events in Bosnia and Kosovo. Killing two million mainly African Christians and Animists in Sudan in the 1980s and early 1990s by Arab Islamists didn’t witness intervention.  Also, when Timorese Christians were being massacred by Indonesia this wasn’t deemed to be a crime at the time because America, the United Kingdom, and other nations, kept on selling military arms to Indonesia.

Iraqi Christians should have understood the reality of the Balkans because they have been left to defend themselves and unlike past secular law, they are now governed by Islamic Sharia law.  Not surprisingly approximately 50 per cent of all Iraqi Christians have fled and at no time was special protection given to them from the sword of radical Islam.

Therefore, de-Christianization in northern Cyprus was done by an ally of America, the ongoing de-Christianization of Kosovo and Iraq respectively is happening under the watch of international troops and so-called friendly governments in Kosovo and Iraq – and Saudi Arabia is intent on spreading Islam in Bosnia and Europe while not allowing one single Christian church in their own nation.

If history tells us anything then the de-Christianization of Kosovo is a constant theme of America’s anti-Orthodox Christian policies in the Balkans. Therefore, Izetbegovic’s pan-Islamic dream remains a possibility because of America’s collusion, Islamic terrorist networks, Saudi Arabian and Turkish funding of Islamic institutions and if all this fails – then other covert ways will be found.

Macedonia should take note because the gap between events in northern Cyprus and Bosnia is many years apart but pro-Muslim policies remained the same. The current status quo in Macedonia will be put under further strains in the future because of the demographic reality and the rise of Islamism in the Balkans. DESTRUCTION OF ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY IN KOSOVO –

Killing Kosovo Serbs under so-called international protection

Attacks against Orthodox Christian Serbs in Kosovo   – Albanian KLA and killing people for organs – please visit

October 13, 2011

Western policy doing the bidding of Islam in Kosovo: destroying Orthodox Christianity

Western policy doing the bidding of Islam in Kosovo: destroying Orthodox Christianity

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Islamic forces entered Europe from Asia and North Africa in order to enslave, convert, persecute and either completely destroy Christianity or to enforce dhimmitude. Before this process began you had the complete annihilation of Christianity in many parts of North Africa and in various parts of the Middle East it was one long sojourn into dhimmitude, pogroms and massacres.

Christianity survived in some areas, for example in Egypt, however, numbers succumbed after Arab colonial and Islamic discrimination took route. Therefore, a complete Islamic inquisition took root in Arabia (modern day Saudi Arabia) and just like the Sunni Islamic inquisition against Buddhism and Hinduism in Afghanistan, you now have complete Islamization.

Of course the complete annihilation of Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism, in both areas didn’t lead to a greater civilization.  On the contrary, it led to the dark forces of Islamic Sharia law and the Shia also suffered countless massacres and pogroms.  After all, you had a complete Sunni Islamic inquisition in Egypt against the Shia. Also, in modern day Malaysia the Shia Muslim faith is forbidden and converts face systematic persecution.

Turning back to the Balkans the Orthodox Christian Serbs survived because Serbian Orthodox Church leaders remained strong and tenacious.  Under the Ottomans each rule was different but overall it was a period of Christian Orthodox boys being taken from their parents and converted to Islam because of the hated devshirme system.

John R. Schindler stated in his book called Unholy Terror that in the Bosnia “The most hated aspect of Ottoman rule in Bosnia, and the one whose memory lingers most sharply even today, was the practice of devshirme, the blood tax imposed on Christians.  For three centuries beginning with the conquest of Bosnia, the Ottomans annually levied male children as tribute; every year, up to one-fifth of Christian boys in Bosnia – usually aged fourteen to twenty, but some were younger – were forcibly taken from their families in contingents of a thousand and shipped to the imperial court at Istanbul to become warrior-slaves in the janissaries, the Sultan’s elite guard. They were converted to Islam….”    Page 23 – Unholy Terror

Of course the modern version in many universities in the West and in the mass media is to play down the slavery of Orthodox Christians in the Balkans, systematic pogroms and ignore the dark days of the Ottoman Empire – and this also applies to mass abuses of sexual slavery which was sanctioned by Islamic Sharia law. 

Not surprisingly the Islamic religion grew in Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo, and other regions of the Balkans. In the modern period you have the remnants of dhimmitude, systematic pogroms, the devshirme system, and other more recent factors in the twentieth century which led to either the weakening of Orthodox Christianity or turning a once majority region into a small minority.

Therefore, the Ottoman Empire, slavery, dhimmitude, devshirme, pogroms, countless religious wars before the twentieth century and traitors who were the children of slaves all fought against the indigenous Orthodox Christian faith.  In the twentieth century Communist forces and Nazism further persecuted and altered the demographics of both Bosnia and Kosovo.

In my article called Bosnia: the myths of peaceful Islam and the hidden Islamic jihad I comment that “World War Two also witnessed the mutual support of the Muslim elites with Nazi Germany and Orthodox Christians faced the brutality of many forces.  This notably applies to the Croatian Catholic Ustasha regime which was genocidal towards the Serbian Orthodox Christians and it must be stated that Muslims participated fully within the military wing and police force of this brutal and barbaric regime.  At the same time Muslims served under the Nazi regime of Germany and the 13th Volunteer Mountain Division of the Waffen-SS (Handschar) was famous for killing Orthodox Christians.”

John R. Schindler states that “Despite strong local support, Himmler’s Bosnian division ultimately did little to help the Nazi cause or defend the Bosnian Muslims…….the 13th Division’s actual combat record was slight, while its depredations against unarmed Serbs were impressive; the Muslim troops spent more time killing and looting than actually fighting…….the 13th Division ended the war ingloriously, plagued by war crimes and desertion.”  Page 36 – Unholy Terror

In recent times you still have no respite because Serbian Orthodox Christians still suffer systematic persecution and abuse. The simple question is do Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo have the right to openly spread their faith throughout Kosovo and to build new Serbian Orthodox Churches throughout Kosovo?  The answer is no.

Next, do Serbian Orthodox Christians including small children have the freedom to travel throughout Kosovo without any hindrance and ill-will towards them?  The answer is no because in many areas they have to be protected by international forces.

The Kosovo conflict matters not a jot to this reality in modern Europe because the Serbian Orthodox Christians of Kosovo are innocent and their ancestors laid all the foundations of this land.  This applies to ancient Christian churches and monasteries.

If Kosovo Albanians claim differently, then are their Muslim places of worship much older than Orthodox Christian churches and monasteries?  Also, it was Islam which spread to Kosovo by systematic religious persecution and conquest and not the other way around.

Even if the international community wants to state that Serbia was the aggressor during the last Kosovo conflict this should not be an issue.  Or is the new world order based on communities having their land taken away from them because of one brief period of history?

After all, it was the Serbian Orthodox Christians for century after century which suffered massacres, systematic pogroms and the dreaded enslavement of their children under the devshirme system.  Not only this, the world also forgets about Muslim SS Units fighting loyally for Nazism in the Balkans and further changing the demographic reality of the Balkans by slaughtering Serbian Orthodox Christians.

However, in 2011 the Serbian Orthodox Christian community is still under siege in Kosovo and we all know that the Islamization of Kosovo is sanctioned by America which even supported Islamic terrorists during the wars in the Balkans.

Indeed, even the organ-tainted leadership of the Kosovo Albanians doesn’t shame the West and instead a more civilized Serbia is still trying to find a solution despite all the hatred towards the people of Serbia.

In modern Europe we are witnessing Islamization by Western powers who clearly hope that the Christian Orthodox Serbs will just leave Kosovo and then their “rubber stamp” will be complete.

Therefore, while history tells us that the Sunni Islamic inquisition eradicated Buddhism and Hinduism in Afghanistan. In our own lifetime, the de-Orthodox Christianization is being done in-front of the entire world without a murmur by churches in the West which have succumbed to liberalism, secularism and political correctness.

Western nations involved in this tragedy have certainly done a great media propaganda campaign because the organ scandal involving the Kosovo Liberation Army, destruction of Orthodox Christian churches, little Christian Orthodox children having no freedom to play openly throughout Kosovo, and so forth, appears to matter not one iota.

Of course, the same Western nations and mass media said little when two million mainly African Animists and African Christians were being slaughtered in Sudan by the Arab Islamic elites in Khartoum during the 1980s and early 1990s. 

However, unlike the Serbian Orthodox Christians of Kosovo, black African nations which are mainly Christian in Uganda and Kenya, and others, didn’t stand by and allow Africans to be crushed.

The new Europe and America is tainted by the ongoing reality of Kosovo and not even a simple solution of allowing the remaining Serbs a free choice is on the table. Therefore, modern day Kosovo is about humiliating Serbia and for the remaining Serbs they either will be forced to accept Albanian Kosovo rule or they will just be marginalized to the point where economic necessity means that they will leave.

Serbian Orthodox Christianity in Kosovo is becoming a museum whereby famous monuments and monasteries are protected by Western forces; however, the faithful have no freedom to roam around Kosovo freely.

The Turkish Ottomans would be pleased with the bidding of America, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations. Not in their wildest dreams would they have envisaged a mainly Christian and non-Muslim West of offering Kosovo “on a Muslim plate” and with all aspects of Serbian Orthodox Christianity “being the final dinner.” (Islamists in Bosnia because of USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Islamist Alija Izetbegovic) (Islamists in Bosnia because of USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Islamist Alija Izetbegovic) (Muslim massacres of Christians)  (Inter Muslim fighting – Serbs supported moderate Muslims)  (Henry Kissinger) (Henry Kissinger) please visit



October 12, 2011

Christians massacred: Obama praised the new Egypt & possible sale of tanks

Christians massacred: Obama praised the new Egypt & possible sale of tanks

Joachim de Villiers and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Hosni Mubarak lost power in Egypt earlier this year and the former friend of America was rebuked by President Obama of America. Obama stated that “Egypt will never be the same” and that the peaceful movement “bent the arc of history.” However, words are cheap because the military maintained its power and the Muslim Brotherhood is the most powerful Islamic movement in the world when it applies to ideology.

Recent footage shows a different Egyptian military which appears anti-Christian and willing to use force against the Christian minority. This is a dangerous period for Egypt and a far cry from Obama’s words which stated that people could create a new democratic government which “represented their hopes and not their fears.”

It may well be that Egypt becomes a democratic nation in the future and that Christians will have equal rights one day in a nation which favors the Muslim majority. However, the Muslim Brotherhood clearly desires an Islamic state irrespective of any manipulation of language that they may state. 

Christians suffered from institutional discrimination during the period of Mubarak but forces which desire to crush the Christian minority were kept under a leash. In the “new Egypt” Islamists are demanding more constraints against the Christian minority and the military doesn’t fear driving into a mainly Christian crowd and killing people.

David K. Kirkpatrick (New York Times) in his article called Church Protests in Cairo Turn Deadly comments that “The protest took place against a backdrop of escalating tensions between Muslims and Coptic Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population. Christians had joined the pro-democracy protests in large numbers, hoping for the protections of a pluralistic, democratic state, but a surge in power of Islamists has raised fears of how much tolerance majority rule will allow.

“But the most common refrain of the protests on Sunday was, “The people want to bring down the field marshal,” adapting the signature chant of the revolution to call for the resignation of the military’s top officer, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi.”

David K. Kirkpatrick in the last paragraph comments that Father Ephraim Magdy, a priest fleeing the tear gas, said he saw soldiers fire live bullets at protesters, and showed a journalist two bullet shells. “It is up to the military to explain what happened, but I see it as persecution,” he said. “I felt that they were monsters. It’s impossible for them to be Egyptians, let alone members of the army that protected the revolution.”

However, it was the army with support from security officials in plain clothes and Muslims who turned against Christians. The original demonstration was based on the recent partial dismantling of a Christian church in Aswan and some Muslims also joined in on the side of the Christian demonstrators.

It is clear that elements within the army are biased against the Christian community and the Muslim Brotherhood and other Sunni Islamic extremist organizations seek an Islamic state.  It is wishful thinking to believe that pluralism will be guaranteed in the short-term because you have too many negative forces in Egypt which seek power and to crush democracy.

The German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle condemned the violence against the Coptic Christian minority.  He stated that “It is about time that the Egyptian leadership understands the importance of religious plurality and tolerance.”

Clearly the comment “It is about time…” is aimed at constant anti-Christian agitation by Islamists and Muslim rulers who are opposed to religious equality. Therefore, this comment is widely appreciated because Guido Westerwelle is making it clear that he fully understands that the recent massacre is not an isolated case against the Christian community.

Meanwhile, turning back to Obama and democracy, then despite anti-Christian attacks and growing fears of the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in a future government; America is intent on arming the current military of Egypt despite the delays to democracy and their role in doing little to protect Christians.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency “notified Congress Friday of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Egypt for 125 M1A1 Abrams tank kits for co-production and associated weapons, equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $1.329 billion.”

The Government of Egypt has requested a possible sale that includes 125 M1A1 Abrams tank kits for co-production, 125 M256 Armament Systems, 125 M2 .50 caliber machine guns, 250 M240 7.62mm machine guns, 125 AGT-1500 M1A1 series tank engines and transmissions, 120mm test cartridges, spare and repair parts, maintenance, support equipment, special tool and test equipment, personnel training and equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. Articles may be provided in furtherance of a co-production agreement. The estimated cost is $1.329 billion.”

“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.”

“The additional M1A1 tanks will provide Egypt with a modern tank fleet, enhancing its capability to meet current and future threats. This will contribute to Egypt’s goal to update its military capability while further enhancing interoperability between Egypt, the U.S., and other allies. Egypt, which has co-produced the M1A1 Abrams tank, will have no difficulty absorbing the additional tanks.”

Therefore, before democracy is installed and during a period of constant attacks against Christians throughout various parts of Egypt, it is nice to know “the real Obama” and restate his naïve comments after the demise of Mubarak.

Obama stated that “Egypt will never be the same” and he said this like a child and with glee but he wasn’t in any position to know if this would become a reality after the downfall of Mubarak.  Then while democracy is being stalled by the military and Islamic attacks continue against the Christian minority, the “democratic President” of America is in full knowledge about possible military sales.

It is clear that Egypt could go in many directions and not all of them are positive. Therefore, the world doesn’t need Obama making empty promises and nor does it need governments to sell military hardware during times of such uncertainty in Egypt.  MILITARY SALES  COPTIC WEBSITE ASSYRIAN INTERNATIONAL NEWS AGENCY (please visit)


October 2, 2011

NASDAQ brings shame on itself by inviting Hashim Thaci (killing for organ scandal)

NASDAQ brings shame on itself by inviting Hashim Thaci (killing for organ scandal)

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

It is inconceivable that a leader who is implicated in a major organ scandal would be invited by NASDAQ if the implications had been involved in killing homosexuals, killing Americans, killing Buddhists, killing women and so forth. However, when it comes to killing Serbian Orthodox Christians and sanctioning American foreign policy objectives, then this would appear to be fine by NASDAQ?

Not only is this deeply troubling and makes a complete mockery of America’s involvement in war crimes – after all, at least alleged Serbian war criminals had to hide before being sent to the Hague.  However, in America they are allowed to walk freely and pose for the media.  The hypocrisy is stomach turning and really leaves a sour taste and for Serbian families and others who lost family members in the “brutal and barbaric organ scandal” they must be in shock.

How do they feel when they see images of Hashim Thaci being applauded by NASDAQ? More to the point, what is NASDAQ doing in getting involved with this leader while further information is still being collected alongside past information. This applies to innocent people being killed for organs by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and these accusations are being made by people in the higher echelons of power.

If people are unsure about the seriousness of this then let us not report on media in Serbia because of course pro-KLA individuals, anti-Serbians and individuals who supported Hashim Thaci, would claim that the information is tainted and biased.

Therefore, quotes will be given by Western news agencies in order that people may just sit-up for once and just feel the pain of Serbian Orthodox Christians who have been vilified to kingdom come. After all, whatever the rights and wrongs of the wars in the Balkans (all sides committed massacres) it is abundantly clear that a neutral picture was never painted. This meant that the beheading of Orthodox Christians, allowing thousands of international Islamists in the Balkans, crucifying Orthodox Christians, cutting Orthodox Christian women open, and other barbaric crimes, all mainly went unreported and was just brushed under the carpet.

Turning back to the Western media and comments published about the organ scandal and photos showing Hashim Thaci and NASDAQ applauding each other. The agency Voice of America comments that (links provided at the bottom of this article) “In a political bombshell for the Balkans, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has been named in a European report as the head of a ‘mafia-like’ crime organization – accused of drug dealing, assassinations and organ smuggling. The allegations threaten to derail Kosovo’s efforts to gain fully-recognized independence and could have a major impact on the country’s relations with the West.”  

“The report claims that at remote bases like this so-called ‘Yellow House’ in Albania, members of the Kosovo Liberation Army killed up to 500 prisoners and removed their organs, so they could be sold to international buyers on the black market.”

It could just be that leaders at NASDAQ don’t view Voice of America, therefore, lets highlight others to be sure. CNN highlights in their article that Authorities in Kosovo must conduct a “tough, independent investigation” into allegations of organ harvesting from prisoners of war, a leading European human rights activist demanded Thursday.

“These things were known by intelligence agencies in various countries, by police, by many people,” said Dick Marty, whose report into the allegations was approved by a Council of Europe committee Thursday.”

“But people in Kosovo are afraid to come forward and give evidence, he said.”

“In private they said, ‘Yes, we know,’ but because of political opportunism they decided to keep quiet,” he said.”

It is clear that the Council of Europe is taking the matter seriously and Dick Marty is a brave individual.  Therefore, just in case the leading figures at NASDAQ don’t like the American press because they may be cosmopolitan it is important to give them a chance, which is something that the KLA didn’t do when killing people for organs.

The Guardian newspaper is a mild left-leaning newspaper which is rather liberal in the United Kingdom. In their article called The doctor at the heart of Kosovo’s organ scandal the following is stated:

A Council of Europe report into organ trafficking in Kosovo linked the Medicus case to a wider criminal network in the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which began trading in organs in 1999. A faction within the rebel guerilla army loyal to Thaci has been accused of overseeing a racket involving Serb captives. A “handful” were said, in the report, to have been shot in the head, then had their kidneys extracted. It is believed the kidneys were flown to Istanbul in ischemia bags. Thaci has strongly denied the claims.”

“A Washington-based intelligence source said the kidneys were sold to Sonmez. It was then that the Turkish doctor was said to have struck up a relationship with Kosovan Albanians, who, investigators believe, are implicated in the Medicus clinic case which unfolded in the confirmation hearing case this week. A judge in Pristina district court will decide whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed to trial.”

“In many respects the two are similar operations. In both cases, you’ve got illegal outfits linking senior players among the Kosovar Albanians trading in the organs of innocent victims, playing into an international racket to profit from the surgeries of Sonmez,” a source said.”

The New York Times in an article called Report Names Kosovo Leader as Crime Boss the article highlights the ongoing seriousness of the organ scandal. For example the article comments that A two-year international inquiry has concluded that the prime minister of Kosovo led a clan of criminal entrepreneurs whose activities included trafficking in organs extracted from Serbian prisoners executed during the Kosovo conflict in 1999.”

“The inquiry, prepared for the Council of Europe, names the prime minister, Hashim Thaci, as the boss of the Drenica Group, an organized crime network that flourished in Kosovo and Albania after the war and exerted control over numerous rackets, including the heroin trade, and six secret detention centers in Albania, some used in a black market in human organs.”

Therefore, is NASDAQ telling Serbian Orthodox Christians and all Serbians that they simple don’t count? Is NASDAQ going to claim that serious allegations about heroin trafficking and organ trafficking isn’t important?

The photo is galling and how victim families must feel is beyond imagination. Also, given the seriousness of the allegations then why is America allowing such an individual to enter in the first place?

To be fair to NASDAQ it could be that economists and business leaders don’t read much at this institution. After all, the economy is a nightmare despite tax payers bailing out many banks and the government borrowing heavily.  Also, NASDAQ, like nations which have recognized Kosovo, may not care about human rights and issues related to killing people for organs and heroin trafficking?

Leaders at NASDAQ have shamed themselves by being either manipulated like this or because they simply don’t care. Either way, the images are galling.

October 2, 2011

Apostate to Christianity beheaded in Somalia and Saudi hatred in the UK

Apostate to Christianity beheaded in Somalia and Saudi hatred in the UK

Joachim de Villiers and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

In nations like Somalia and Saudi Arabia apostates from Islam face the death penalty and in Pakistan the death penalty even applies to blasphemy.  If you want to understand how Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism faired in Islamic history then no point to reach for your history books because systematic persecution is ongoing.

The dhimmitude system and Islamic Sharia law is institutional apartheid with the death penalty added in order to maintain constant fear at all times.  Therefore, every single Muslim in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia is denied free will and in Pakistan minority Muslim groups like the Ahmadiyya face enormous persecution.

At the same time Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and all other non-Muslim faiths and minority Muslim faiths, face an Islamic inquisition when nations are governed in full compliance with Islamic Sharia law. Therefore, Shia Islam is illegal in Sunni Muslim Malaysia and Ahmadiyya Muslims are persecuted in Pakistan and recently the same persecution is happening against this community in Indonesia.

Shia News reported that “Although other approved religions, including Christian denominations, Hinduism and Buddhism are allowed in Malaysia, the government considers Shi’ite Islam a deviant sect of Islam. Saravanamuttu says the Department of Islamic Development in Malaysia has cracked down on Shi’ite and other non-Sunni Islamic sects in the past and is empowered by law to do so.”

If this doesn’t alarm you then remember that Saudi Arabia is funding countless institutions which are spreading this dangerous ideology. Even in the United Kingdom you had Saudi Arabian curriculum school books spreading hatred towards Jews and homosexuals.

In the New York Times in an article called Lessons of Hate at Islamic Schools in Britain ( ) by John F. Burns he comments that A British network of more than 40 part-time Islamic schools and clubs with 5,000 students has been teaching from a Saudi Arabian government curriculum that contains anti-Semitic and homophobic views, including a textbook that asks children to list the “reprehensible” qualities of Jews, according to a BBC documentary.”

“The 30-minute “Panorama” program quoted the Saudi government-supplied textbook as saying that Jews “looked like monkeys and pigs” and further down the article it states that “One of the textbooks, according to the BBC program, prescribed execution as the penalty for gay sex, and outlined differing viewpoints as to whether death should be by stoning, immolation by fire or throwing offenders off a cliff. Another set out the punishments prescribed by Shariah law for theft, including amputation of hands and feet. A BBC video accompanying an article on the program’s Web site showed a textbook illustration of a hand and a foot marked to show where amputations should be made.”

Therefore, if this branch of Islamic ideology is being allowed to spread in the mainly non-Muslim world it goes without saying that the situation is even more severe where the “heart of darkness” prevails over society. This “heart of darkness” applies to nations which support killing apostates, for example Saudi Arabia, and other Western allies like Afghanistan – yes, with allies like this it makes you wonder what politicians are doing in the West.

In Saudi Arabia and Somalia all apostates face the death penalty and Islamists in Somalia, many who once resided in America and the United Kingdom, have joined the Al-Shabaab in order to kill all Christian apostates and to turn this nation into year zero.

In early September, 2011, Juma Nuradin Kamil was beheaded by Islamists on the grounds that he abandoned Islam and converted to Christianity.  He was decapitated while Islamists will have been in religious ecstasy while killing this innocent Christian in such a brutal and barbaric way.

Juma Nuradin Kamil was murdered for merely leaving the Islamic faith. Therefore, if you wonder why you have no Buddhists left in Afghanistan, then this modern day reality in Somalia will enlighten you more than reading naïve books which often gloss over the truth. 

Sadly, religious freedom isn’t a universal human right and in Saudi Arabia not one Ahmadiyya, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Sikh,  and Zoroastrian place of worship is allowed. Indeed, Iran is more moderate than Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the Maldives, and Yemen, because the indigenous Christian church is allowed despite certain constraints when it applies to proselytism.

If international pressure isn’t put on Saudi Arabia and other nations which support killing apostates, then nothing will change and state sanctioned ideology will continue to kill people on the grounds of being anti-free will.

Juma Nuradin Kamil was “a beacon of light” for all Somalians who support democracy, liberty, free will and religious freedom.  At the same time, democratic nations need to be vigilant at home because in countries like the United Kingdom this sponsored evil is entering the education system and indoctrinating children because of loopholes in the private educational sector.

However, while Juma Nuradin Kamil was “a beacon of light” the light will one day be fully crushed and darkened if nations, organizations, and other avenues, don’t fight back against religious intolerance and indoctrination.

Many moderate voices in the Muslim world have also been crushed and in Pakistan several prominent Muslims have been killed for defending Christians and other non-Muslims.

Free will is an indelible right for all people irrespective of religion or no religion. Therefore, turning a blind eye or going down the moral relativism path doesn’t wash because innocent individuals like Juma Nuradin Kamil are paying the ultimate price.

Killing people on the grounds of free will is still a reality in the modern world and this authoritarianism needs to be stopped and challenged. – Video about Saudi funded hatred by the BBC  Highlights the persecution of Christians in Somalia