Posts tagged ‘killing christians in somalia’

August 3, 2011

Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed: prophets of peace to slavery, jihad and Sharia

Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed: prophets of peace to slavery, jihad and Sharia

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Banu Qurayza were followers of Judaism and were beheaded
during the reign of Mohammed

The revamping of Mohammed throughout the world continues because of Islamic kitman but what is mystifying is that non-Muslim religious leaders, secularists and liberals appear to be giving the Islamic faith a helping hand.  Therefore, it is essential to get to the heart of Islam and see the reality of what happened under Mohammed.

If Buddha and Jesus were alive today then clearly they would not break any laws in democratic nations because they taught peace and supported the poor by their actions and deeds. Therefore, while people in modern societies may reject their different messages, it is abundantly clear that both individuals never killed, never supported war and nor did they support power and authority.

However, the prophet of Islam is very different and it is over simplistic to claim that he was a man of his time, after all, he is meant to be a holy religious leader and both Buddha and Jesus go further back in history.  Yet Mohammed married more than nine women at the same time, supported killing apostates, married a child, had sex with female slave concubines, and ordered the killing of many people by his concept of jihad and dhimmitude.

Not only this, but unlike the holy scriptures of the Christians and the New Testament or Buddhists and their holy scriptures based on what Buddha preached; then Mohammed is clearly obsessed by war, jihad, enslaving his enemies, jizya and other violent deeds.

Also, Mohammed, unlike Buddha and Jesus, is extremely contradictory and it appears that his thinking was based on power concentration.  In the early period when he was weak he was more open-minded but once he obtained power then he was ruthless and he implanted ideas which were brutal towards non-Muslims.

Therefore, while Buddha and Jesus did not seek power concentration, enforcing laws on their enemies, developing military armies and implementing a draconian legal system in order to preserve power; the same can’t be said about Mohammed because he was driven by power concentration policies and taxing the dhimmis (non-Muslims) or enslaving them if they did not accept the superiority of Islam.

The Buddha rejected the caste system and Jesus went to the lepers and outcasts in society.  It is clear that they were against discrimination and the victimization of others and their respective message was based on humanity and turning away from power concentration and enforcing laws on people who were already downtrodden.

Mohammed, however, was very different because if people accepted Islam then he also cared for the poor within his followers and he told people to give one sixth of their income to the poor.  However, it was non-Muslims who would be taxed heavily in order to redistribute their wealth and give it to the new masters. Therefore, some Muslim political leaders were also concerned by mass conversions once a political system based on Islam had been set up because this reduced their fiscal power.

After all, they faced the contradictions of an Islamic state which wanted Islamization but understood that the dhimmis tax was much needed.  Not surprisingly, the revenue of an Islamic state suffered by mass conversions and for this reason Islamic slavery was ongoing from the 7th century and up until recent times.

It must be remembered that it was only outside pressure which forced Saudi Arabia to abolish slavery in the 1960s.  Unlike the anti-slavery movement which emerged within the Christian world of its day you never had a Muslim anti-slavery movement and this was because of the static nature of nations which had become Islamized.

In time they lost their taxation power because Islamic law and Islamic zealots desired Islamization and once the coffers of the dhimmis had dwindled because of religious discrimination, pogroms and apartheid laws – then the last option was enslaving non-Muslims outside of their control. This factor meant that Islamic armies entered into Africa, other parts of Asia and Europe became a House of War was declared. Therefore, Islamic rulers would expand their power based on jihad, enslaving the people of their newly expanding state and so forth.

Also, Mohammed during his lifetime enslaved people who were free during numerous wars and clearly he had no qualms in taking wives or concubines from men he had killed.  Not only this, he also supported Muslim armies to enslave non-Muslims and he gave Muslims the right to take non-Muslim females and use them for sex during jihad.

Ironically, all the negatives about Mohammed are stated clearly in the Koran and the Hadiths.  Therefore, when people talk about anti-Islamic writers it is strange because the sources of what happened and the evil deeds of Islam are documented openly in the Hadiths and Koran.

Buddha and Jesus were revolutionary because they challenged the conventions of the day and they did this by spreading messages of peace and inner-purification.  However, Mohammed who had been faithful to his first partner then appears to have gone the wrong way because after her death he lusted after more women, concubines and even married a child.

However, why didn’t Muslims hide all the negatives of Mohammed and this even applies to visiting a Muslim place of worship in Jerusalem on an animal which does not exist and all at the speed of light.  Yet, it is factual that the mystical night journey never happened because at the time you had no mosque in Jerusalem and even his loyal followers found it difficult to accept.

Despite this, they remained loyal to Mohammed and ignored the fact that Allah allowed him more than 4 wives and having sexual concubines.  However, for other Muslims they were bound to take no more than 4 wives according to Islamic Sharia law but history tells us that many Muslim rulers had countless numbers of women in harems and so forth.

Of course you can find dark passages in all religious books if you desire or people can manipulate language or different meanings.  However, religions throughout history have reformed themselves and modernized and by doing this they have rejected the harshness of aspects of some of their teachings and accepted religious freedom.

This does not apply to Islam and the more a nation is ruled by Islamic Sharia law then the more brutal the nation happens to be.  In the modern world only Islamic states still support killing apostates, killing homosexuals, cross amputation, apartheid marriage laws which both discriminate against women and non-Muslims, and other draconian factors like stoning to death for adultery and allowing old men to marry children.

In my article called Prophet Mohammed, the Banu Qurayza, Kashmir, and Mansuur Mohammed I highlight many disturbing realities.  Therefore, I comment that “…the Banu Qurayza tribe who followed Judaism and the Muslim convert to Christianity in Somalia in modern times, Mansuur Mohammed; represent the reality and barbarity of Islam and the same applies to the destruction of Hinduism in Kashmir.  In these three events, we can see what happened to ancient Christianity in Nubia, what awaited the Zoroastrians of Persia, what awaited the fate of Buddhists and Hindus in Afghanistan, and what awaited so many other faiths by the sword of Islam.”

I continued in this article by referring to the Banu Qurayza tribe and stated that Matthias Kuntzel, the author of Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11 comments on page 65 that “In 627 the Qurayza tribe was exterminated following a siege of Medina by the Meccans.  Mohammed went to the marketplace in Medina and had graves dug there.  Then the Jews were brought to him and beheaded at the gravesides – between 600 and 900 men in all.  The executions lasted the whole day…..Most of the women and children were sold into slavery in Medina, the remainder in Syria and Najad.”  (Johan Bouman, op. cit., p.86)

This reality can’t be ignored and I commented in the same article that “…..the prophet of Islam supported the entire massacre of all Jewish males who followed the religion of Judaism and who were over puberty. Mohammed just sat back and watched this gruesome act and did nothing, apart from divide the spoils afterwards.  This barbaric act took place under the rule of Mohammed in the 7th century and in this sense the beheading of Muslim apostates to Christianity in Somalia can be linked to the deeds of Mohammed.”

“Given this, Mansuur Mohammed who was beheaded in Somalia for being an apostate in the 21st century, joins the Islam of Mohammed and the 7th century because he met the same barbaric fate.   Koranic prayers would have been recited while beheading the Banu Qurayza and the same applies to the al-Shabaab (al-Shabab) in Somalia who were reciting the Koran and shouting in joy while cutting the head off a Christian convert.”

“Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was killed for remaining loyal to Judaism.” 

“The mind of Mohammed was clearly violent because at no time did he try to stop his followers from doing this brutal crime.  In direct contrast to Jesus who stopped the prostitute from being killed by stoning to death we have the prophet of Islam who endorses such barbaric methods.  Mohammed not only watched this brutal genocide of all male followers of Judaism over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza; for this was not enough because he also enslaved the Jewish women and children of this tribe and plundered all their wealth which was to be shared by the victorious Muslims.”

“Mohammed now “set in stone the brutality of Islam” and this applies to jihad, dhimmitude, jizya, killing apostates, stoning people to death for adultery (despite doing adultery himself), plundering the wealth of the vanquished and enabling the forces of evil to kill in the name of God.”

Again, I repeat once more that all this violence was endorsed by Mohammed and is documented by Islamic scholars. Therefore, the Hadiths and Koran provides this information openly despite some English versions of the Koran being manipulated in order to soften the hatred which is espoused in parts of the Koran.  Ironically, the same Koran never says anything negative about Jesus and on the contrary the Koran shows Jesus in a much more favorable light than Mohammed.

It is also clear that the mindset of Islamists and Mohammed are the same because jihad is implied many times in the Koran and in the Hadiths.  Therefore, how can you associate peace with Mohammed after the reality of what happened to the Banu Qurayza and the fact that he enslaved, supported and did jihad, took slave concubines, and implemented a system based on utter fear for non-Muslims because they would face persecution if they spoke out openly.

Religion can be abused by individuals, ethnic groups, political leaders and so forth and throughout history many brutal deeds have been done under the name of every religion or radical ideology.  However, Karl Marx did not support killing individuals and he can’t be blamed for the deeds of Stalin and others. 

The same applies to dark periods within the Buddhist and Christian world where evil was justified by using and abusing the words of both individuals who supported peace.

However, “the heart of Mohammed was dark” and the reality of what happened to the Banu Qurayza can’t be ignored.  The same applies to his teachings because you have no Islamic reformation.

On the contrary, since the rise of Mohammed and continuing in modern day Saudi Arabia, you have no change and all apostates face the death penalty.  Therefore, the pluralistic reality of Arabia was destroyed by Mohammed and once he obtained power all religions would be annihilated in Arabia in a short period of time because his early followers would continue the Islamic inquisition.

Therefore, in the land of Mecca and Medina not one Buddhist temple or Christian church is allowed and all Muslim apostates face the death penalty.  Also, brutal laws which support cross amputation and allowing old men to marry young children are still ongoing in Saudi Arabia and this is all based on the life of Mohammed.

Leaders in democratic societies can ignore history, Islamic sources which support hatred of non-Muslims and the ongoing living history of Islam whereby non-Muslims face Islamization in Kashmir, Pakistan, southern Thailand and in other parts of the world in the 21st century.

Mohammed once he obtained power carried the sword and the same sword and Islamic legal system is crushing non-Muslims in the modern world. The sword of Islam is still killing and persecuting where the faith is either fighting another faith or desires to maintain an Islamic inquisition whereby every apostate faces death.

At the same time Islamic kitman and stealth jihad remains potent and history and the modern world tells us many things. However, the political correct brigade and moral relativism, alongside non-Muslim religious leaders and political leaders who are bending over backwards, is extremely worrying because Islamists and Islamic kitman leaders only dream about usurping power from within.

Buddha and Jesus spread new thinking and ideas and people can freely rebuke or not care about either.  After all, it is your democratic right to reject all religion.  However, apostates in “the Islamic heart of the Islamic world” face death and prison and these two competing thought patterns are not compatible in any period of history.

Either the democratic world stands up for what is right and this applies to the civil liberties of others or it can embolden an encroaching Islam by allowing Islamic kitman and stealth jihad.  This is a deadly game and democracy and Marxism could not co-operate in a pluralistic society based on freedom and obviously democracy and Nazism were ideological enemies; therefore, the last barrier is Islamism and Sharia in its entirety but do democratic leaders and other institutions have the moral decency to speak out against the draconian reality of political Islam?


Matthias Kuntzel: Jihad and Jew-Hatred; Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 part one part two part three



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July 29, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik: media spin and hypocrisy in the name of Islamic Sharia law

Anders Behring Breivik: media spin and hypocrisy in the name of Islamic Sharia law

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Homosexuals hanged under Islamic Sharia law in Iran

Many individuals and writers who are rather timid in responding to homosexuals being hanged in Iran, amputations in Saudi Arabia for minor crimes, raped women being stoned to death in Somalia and then linking this with Islamic Sharia law, appears to be not on their agenda. However, the same writers who ignore this then link one individual called Anders Behring Breivik in order to lambast Robert Spencer, Pamella Geller and a host of other writers or organizations who support democracy. However, the same individuals fail to link either Islamic institutional discrimination which kills apostates in the name of Islam or when individuals did September 11 and stated openly that it was their Islamic duty.

Eugene Robinson, Opinion Writer at the Washington Post, is just one of the multitudes of hypocrites.  Did the same Eugene Robinson put emphasis on Muslim religious leaders who said that “Islam is a religion of peace” after September 11?

Also, Osama bin Laden was clearly inspired by the Koran and Hadiths and if Eugene Robinson and the same so-called progressives are going to imply the same logic; then do they support pressure being put on people who read the Koran and support Islamic Sharia law?

Yes, many individual Muslim religious leaders may support peace but institutional discrimination in accordance with the teaching of Islamic Sharia law is a fact in many Islamic nations which are ruled by Islam.

Minority Muslim groups like the Alevi in Turkey and Ahmadiyya in Pakistan face Sunni Islamic persecution and if Sunni Islam took power in Syria then the Alawites have much to fear.  Muslims are not a monolith and many individuals will think differently just like Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and non-religious people.  However, Islamic Sharia law is a monolith and it threatens non-Muslims and moderate Muslims like the Ahmadiyya.

Eugene Robinson and a multitude of so-called progressive writers who are now lambasting democrats who understand the threat of global Islamic jihad desire to apply one rule. This applies to hypocrisy and ignoring the greater terrorist threat which kills frequently in nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Thailand and other nations. 

If Eugene Robinson and others are trying to silence Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and a host of others; then what about the multitude of Islamic terrorist attacks whereby non-Muslims and minority Muslim groups are being killed and sometimes beheaded by the followers of radical Sunni Islam……will Eugene Robinson and other so-called progressives denounce Islamic religious leaders who are inciting violence based on the Koran and Hadiths?

Eugene Robinson and the so-called progressives are so politically correct that it makes you wonder what planet they reside on.  After all, in modern day Saudi Arabia all Sunni Muslim apostates face the threat of death and not one single Buddhist temple, Christian church or Hindu temple is allowed.

Shia Muslims are also treated like second-class citizens in Saudi Arabia and clearly the Shia face massive discrimination in Bahrain, Yemen, and other Sunni Muslim dominated nations.  Even in moderate Malaysia the Shia faith is illegal and Sunni Muslim converts to Shia Islam face persecution.

Other Islamic nations implement the death penalty for apostasy but can Eugene Robinson mention one non-Muslim nation in the modern world which supports killing apostates? 

Of course religious discrimination exists in other nations but we are talking about killing apostates or the death penalty for non-Muslim men for marrying a Muslim female.  Which non-Muslim nation allows this under its legal code?  

In Iran two young homosexuals were hanged and remember apostates and homosexuals are not being killed by deranged individuals who kill innocents, which was the case in Norway whereby Anders Behring Breivik massacred innocent individuals and who will pay for his evil crime against humanity.

On the contrary, Islamic Sharia law is killing these homosexuals and apostates because of state sanctioned discrimination which is based on the Koran and Hadiths.  Also, just imagine, what do you think would happen to a Buddhist/Christian/Hindu male who married a Muslim female in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, for an act of love the Buddhist/Christian/Hindu male would face the death penalty.  Again, note that they would be killed for committing no crime apart from being deemed subhuman under the legal code of Islamic Sharia law. 

This hatred is institutional therefore innocents in some Islamic nations which are based on Islamic law are punished or killed for acts of love or thinking freely.  Also, while Islamic religious leaders in these nations continue to support hatred, bigotry, and rampant discrimination by quoting from the Koran and Hadiths; it is abundantly clear that some Islamists believe that one day they will subvert democratic nations and install this hatred.

Eugene Robinson should also note that while every single Muslim apostate to Christianity faces being killed in Somalia it is not a distant problem. Therefore, maybe Eugene Robinson and other so-called progressives believe that killing African Christians in Somalia or homosexuals in Iran is fine or not a problem because the country is distant?

After all, when two million African Animists/Christians/Muslims were being killed by the Arab regime in Khartoum I don’t recall the trendy brigade in the United Kingdom saying much.  Instead it was all about Israel and even the enslavement of Africans in Sudan did not raise much of a shout and today African Muslims in Darfur still face the threat of Arabization.

However, radical Islamists from Somali backgrounds in America and the United Kingdom have actually gone back to Somalia in order to spread Islamic jihad and install Islamic Sharia law.  Therefore, Christians are being beheaded and a raped girl was stoned to death but these barbaric ways are being supported by elements within the Somali community in America and the United Kingdom – this blows away the assimilation theory of Eugene Robinson and surely he understands what Islamic kitman means?

Irrespective of what people may think about Robert Spencer or Pamela Geller they both support democracy, liberty, and the rule of law whereby all individuals are equal.

Is Eugene Robinson going to claim that Islamic Sharia law supports equality and that the testimony of a non-Muslim is equal in court cases involving a non-Muslim and a Muslim?  Is Eugene Robinson going to link the Koran and Muslim religious leaders who have incited violence against non-Muslims and minority Muslim groups?  Is Eugene Robinson going to stand up and denounce institutional hatred against homosexuals who face the death penalty and state that this hatred is inspired by Islamic law?  Is Eugene Robinson going to stand up against Islamic Sharia based nations which support killing non-Muslim men for merely marrying a Muslim female?

It is abundantly clear that Islamic Sharia law, the Hadiths and the Koran support massive discrimination against non-Muslims.  Therefore, the so-called progressives like Eugene Robinson appear to be sleep-walking or they are being extremely selective.

The simple reality is that Anders Behring Breivik will be locked away for the evil he did.  However, when women are being stoned to death, homosexuals are being killed and apostates face the death penalty; all this is being done in accordance with Islamic Sharia law. 

This is state sanctioned hatred in the name of a religion which does not tolerate equality when in power.  Therefore, why are Eugene Robinson and the rest of the so-called progressives so noisy about one deranged individual with no political power but then say little about the daily reality of nations like Saudi Arabia?

Also, note the “Islamic victim card” once more but clearly nearly everyone killed by Anders Behring Breivik were either Christian or secular. 

Not that it matters who Anders Behring Breivik killed because his actions were pure evil and he should never see the outside world again.  In Norway non-Muslims and Muslims are equal in law unlike the institutional discrimination of nations like Saudi Arabia.

Clearly, the sad fact is that Anders Behring Breivik is being brushed aside by so-called progressives and instead it is an opportunity to attack individuals who are democratic and support liberty.

More important why the clear double-standards and not only this, what about progressives boycotting goods from Saudi Arabia because of state institutional hatred whereby apostates face the death penalty and homosexuals also face the same brutal system. This is all being done under Sharia Islamic law.

Clearly, this will never happen because of energy factors but progressives should not concern themselves with the motives of capitalists.  Also, is Eugene Robinson going to claim that the Koran and Hadiths did not inspire the individuals who did September 11 and that state institutional hatred towards all non-Muslims and homosexuals in Saudi Arabia is not based on the Hadiths, Koran and Sharia Islamic law?


These links either show discrimination or the nature of Islamic Sharia law – Islamists beheading a convert from Islam to Christianity. – Raped woman stoned to death in Somalia – Massacre of Ahmadiyya Muslims – Amputations and flogging in Saudi Arabia,,5417393,00.html – Persecution of the Alevi,,5417393,00.html – Islamic groups who hate the United Kingdom – Iran Minister supports killing homosexuals and based on Islamic Sharia law

June 30, 2011

Islam: the ongoing Sunni Islamic inquisition

Islam: the ongoing Sunni Islamic inquisition

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

SUMMARY: The history books tell us that Buddhism and Hinduism was destroyed in Afghanistan but today we are not talking about history; after all, the ongoing Sunni Islamization process continues today in Kashmir, Southern Thailand, Somalia, the Maldives, Yemen and a host of other mainly Sunni Islamic nations. Therefore, while the Dalai Lama enjoys his world tours he remains mainly silent about the beheading of Buddhist children and monks in southern Thailand and clearly says little about the ban on Buddhism in Saudi Arabia. Even worse, the Dalai Lama praises Islam while fellow Buddhists are being slaughtered and persecuted in southern Thailand.

Therefore, the Dalai Lama and Western duplicity is the problem because you have countless Christian leaders and politicians saying the same while Somali Christian converts are being hounded down and slaughtered one by one. Their silence and lies is enabling southern Thailand and Somalia to take place and the same applies to the destruction of the Hindu Kashmiri Pandits.

Ongoing Sunni Islamic Inquisition

In many parts of the Sunni Muslim world it is clear that their societies are going backwards and not forward. Western leaders and many elites alongside political correctness, mean that you have a media blackout “on reality” and instead every excuse is given and we have “moral relativity.”  Yet in the early 21st century it is clear that “the stone age mentality” is still alive in many parts of the world and Sunni Islamic hatred is aimed at non-Muslims and minority Muslim groups like the Ahmadiyya and Shia.

Indeed, “the stone age mentality” was more progressive than modern day Saudi Arabia. After all, women would have had more freedom in the stone-age period than they do in modern day Saudi Arabia and clearly you had greater religious pluralism in the stone-age period.

After all, in modern day Saudi Arabia which is the cradle of Islam, it is abundantly clear that females must cover up from head to toe and they must not mingle freely with males. At the same time, no non-Muslim places of worship are allowed and Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and others, must not pray openly or speak openly about their faith.

The Shia also suffers enormous persecution in Saudi Arabia because Sunni Islamic fanatics deem them to be infidels.  Therefore, converts from Sunni Islam to Shia Islam in Saudi Arabia face persecution.  Also, Ahmadiyya Muslims are not allowed to enter Saudi Arabia because they are deemed to be infidels in the eyes of Sunni Islamic elites in Saudi Arabia.

If Buddhists or Christians, or other non-Muslims, speak openly about their faith in modern day Saudi Arabia then they will face the Sunni Islamic inquisition. This means that they will be questioned by the religious police in Saudi Arabia and they will face the wrath of Islamic Sharia law based on Sunni Islamic doctrines.

The situation becomes even more alarming when it applies to a Muslim converting to another religion, because this is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. Given this reality, the Sunni Islamic inquisition is a modern day fact in the land of Mecca and Medina and it is abundantly clear that religious and gender equality is seen to be a threat to Sunni Islam.

Therefore, females, non-Muslims, or anyone who supports another world view faces the wrath of the ongoing Sunni Islamic inquisition in Saudi Arabia. This applies to all aspects of life and if a Buddhist or Christian male had sex with a Muslim female or wanted to marry a Muslim female; then the penalty would mean death for the non-Muslim male and prison for the Muslim female.

If nations like the United Kingdom introduced the same system and imposed even 1% of the same restrictions on Sunni Muslims; then liberals, champagne socialists, and the political correct brigade would be attacking the British government and system. However, the same people who care about human rights and equality have “hit a Sunni Islamic brick wall.”

This applies to a blackout on reality therefore it is fine for Sunni Muslims in various parts of the world, for example in Afghanistan, the Maldives, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia, to support killing all apostates from Islam and to victimize women into becoming shadows. Yet if someone points out the complete backwardness of this system and religion; then you are deemed to be a racist or other terminologies are used in order to silence you into submission.

Radical white converts to Sunni Islam are also continuing this hatred and Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi who was born Ian Dallas before his conversion to Islam clearly hates the Shia and deems all non-Sunni Muslims to be inferior and worthy of jizya and persecution.

Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi, the Sunni Islamic Sufi fanatic, states that

“Jordan, too is split. The mass are modernist but devoid of an ‘Aqida and a Fiqh, while the Rulership openly espouses one-worldist movements and has issued a Declaration accepting the Shi‘a as if it could subsist within Islam. Shi‘ism is not a cancer in the body of Islam, it was a wart which fell off, hence its name.”  

Therefore, Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi is part of the Sunni Islamic hate machine and this non-Muslim did not turn to Islam in order to reach religious enlightenment.  On the contrary, he entered the Sunni Islamic hate theory of all non-Muslims and he clearly loathes Shia Islam.

If we look at the situation in many parts of the world, then it is clear that the Sunni Islamic inquisition is ongoing and non-Muslims are being killed or victimized because of their non-Muslim religion.  Also, minority Muslims like the Shia and Ahmadiyya are killed and persecuted by Sunni Islamic fanatics.

For example, radical Sunni Islamists in Somalia are intent on destroying all things which are deemed to be un-Islamic and in order to do this Islamic Sharia Law is in full swing, alongside intimidation, the killing of Christians, banning music, chopping hands and feet off, and other draconian measures. This society, according to devout Sunni Islamists in Somalia, is meant to be the “new way” and Sunni Islamists state that they are following the teachings of Mohammed and that their theories are based on the Koran and the Hadiths.

In this sense, radical Sunni Islamists are claiming that it is they, and not liberal Muslims, who are carrying out “real Islam.” In a strange irony, they can claim that this is true because Mohammed stated the following:

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” Koran 9:29

Mohammed also stated in Hadith 9:4 that “Wherever you find infidels kill them; for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” Mohammed also stated in Hadith 9:50, 57 that “No umma (a member of the Muslim community) should be killed for killing a kafir (an infidel) … Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” ( )

Of course not all majority Muslim Sunni societies are the same and you have very different thought patterns, for example Muslims in Senegal or the non-Sunni Alawites in Syria accept accommodation. Islam, like any major religion, will have a huge diversity within the belief system and cultural differences or geography will alter the way Islam is worshipped.

However, the more a mainly Muslim society turns to the complete message of Mohammed then clearly the more draconian this nation happens to be. Therefore, in nations where Islamic Sharia law is implemented fully we only see one outcome and this applies to the ongoing Sunni Islamic inquisition.

This outcome is complete Sunni Islamic indoctrination and the complete subjugation of all non-Muslims or minority Muslim groups by the dominant Sunni Muslim sect in the respective nation state. For example, in Saudi Arabia it is clear that this society is being governed by the Sunni Islamic inquisition and all non-Muslims and Shia Muslims must abide by the dominant Sunni sect which controls and dictates everything.

While in other parts of the mainly Sunni Muslim world we are seeing a fresh wave of Sunni Islamic fundamentalism and in modern day Somalia they stoned a young female to death after she had been raped. The Taliban and Al Qaeda also support the complete annihilation of other religions and the complete subjugation of women. After all, the Taliban even destroyed all forms of Buddhism with regards to statues and temples.

In past history the Sufi hypocrites alongside the forces of Sunni Islam completely destroyed ancient Hinduism and Buddhism in Afghanistan.  However, for Sunni Islamic fanatics the mere fact of enslaving and then implementing the Sunni Islamic inquisition was not good enough.  Therefore, once the Buddhists and Hindus had been subdued and enslaved and then systematically destroyed; the final phase is the destruction of every single trace of Buddhism and Hinduism.

It is therefore essential that the Sunni Islamic inquisition is challenged and stopped because no nation should violate the rights of either women or other faiths when it applies to one hundred per cent compliance. The first nation that needs to be challenged is the Sunni Islamic state of Saudi Arabia because this nation is funding radical Sunni Islam in many nations and since the time of Mohammed it is clear that all non-Muslims in Arabia have suffered and been religiously cleansed.

The Islamic inquisition in Arabia began in the 7th century and it continues today in modern day Saudi Arabia. Yet more disturbingly, it is clear that in places like southern Thailand you are witnessing a puritanical version of Sunni Islam amongst some of the Muslims in this part of Thailand. This was alien to most Thai Muslims but of course the combination of Saudi Arabia and madrasas in Pakistan is changing this. Therefore, the Sunni Islamic inquisition is gaining in some parts of the world and if this madness is not tackled then one day it will get closer to home.

Turning a blind eye will not work because while liberal kitman Sunni Muslims talk about mutual respect in the West and India; the cold reality is that Hindus in Kashmir face complete Islamization and every single Christian is being searched for and then killed in Somalia by Sunni Islamic fanatics.

Coptic Christians in Egypt face a resurgent Islamic Muslim Brotherhood and Sunni Islamic fanatics in Iraq have declared Islamic jihad against Christians, Shia Muslims, Shabaks, Mandaeans, Yazidis and all non-Sunni minorities.

However, despite the daily slaughter, intimidation and systematic persecution of non-Muslims and minority Muslims at the hands of Sunni Islamic fanatics, alongside Sunni Islamic institutions which discriminate; little is being done to stem this tide of hatred. 

The Islamic inquisition of the 7th century is very much alive today and even in so-called moderate Malaysia the faith of Shia Islam is not tolerated.  Therefore, the potency of Sunni Islamic forces is not only potent but they are intent on destroying and persecuting all religious minorities. 

The history books tell us that Buddhism and Hinduism was destroyed in Afghanistan but today we are not talking about history; after all, the ongoing Sunni Islamization process continues today in Kashmir, Southern Thailand, Somalia, the Maldives, Yemen and a host of other mainly Sunni Islamic nations.

Also, stealth jihadists in Western nations and India desire to crush democracy and religious freedom from within.  Therefore, the Islamic inquisition continues to behead Christians in modern day Somalia and persecutes Hindus in Kashmir. However, people who support the Sunni Islamic inquisition are also based in democratic societies.

Sunni Islamic kitman alongside Sunni Islamic finance from nations like Saudi Arabia is intent on supplanting the existing order with a future Sunni Islamic state.  Stealth Sunni Islamic jihad is building up and mainstream democratic societies are sleepwalking into a future nightmare.

If people think that this can’t happen in the modern world then think again.  After all, the world just sat back and allowed the de-hinduization of Pakistan to take place and this only encouraged Sunni Islamists to subdue and eradicate the Hindu Kashmiri Pandits.

Also, nations like Holland face a demographic time bomb which was created by lofty idealists in power who were not only shortsighted but have sowed the seed of a threat to the existing order. 

Nations can change quickly and the Sunni Islamic inquisition is intent on Islamizing.  After all, what is left of Buddhism and Hinduism in Afghanistan and modern day Pakistan?   (THIS VIDEO IS VERY GRAPHIC – SHOWS BEHEADED BUDDHISTS AND BUDDHISTS BEING HANGED BY SUNNI ISLAMIC FANATICS) (please visit)

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February 16, 2011

Islamic inquisition in Somalia and Southern Thailand

Islamic inquisition in Somalia and Southern Thailand

Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times

Buddhist monk injured in Thailand after an Islamic attack







Buddhist monk injured in Thailand after an Islamic attack


The reality of Islam and how non-Muslim faiths were destroyed in the past can be seen by events in the modern world. Therefore, by focusing on Southern Thailand and Somalia in the modern period you can understand how non-Muslim faiths were exterminated by the sword of Islam. These two parts of the world also represent other parts of the world where minorities are on the brink of collapse because of ongoing Islamization.

Modern day academia and liberals desire to whitewash how Buddhism and Hinduism was destroyed in Afghanistan in the past and the same applies to other faith groups in other parts of the world which were crushed by Islam.  Yet the reality is that de-Hinduization is still ongoing in Pakistan and Kashmir just like Christianity is being eradicated in Somalia and Buddhism is being destroyed in Southern Thailand. The reasons behind the past massacres and the ongoing pogroms is all based on the teachings of Mohammed.  Therefore, in Somalia and Southern Thailand the Islamic jihad continues in the 21st century and this reality is happening throughout the world where Muslims desire a complete Islamic monoculture.
In the last few weeks in Southern Thailand you have had three attacks against Buddhist civilians by the followers of
 Islam.  Therefore, men, women, and children have been killed for following the Buddhist faith and it is clear that the armed forces of Thailand face a brutal Islamic foe.  Also, even when the armed forces of Thailand desire to bring stability and to quell the Islamic insurgency and to protect innocent civilians from fresh massacres, it is abundantly clear that many still pin the blame on the protectors rather than the Islamic insurgents who kill innocents in such barbaric ways.

It appears that the voice of the Dalai Lama is also very weak on issues like this because it does not suit his political agenda.  In fact, at the same time when Buddhists are being killed in Southern Thailand and face enormous pressure in the Chittagong Hill Tracts; the Dalai Lama appears to believe that jihad is not such a bad thing because it is based on the inner struggle.

The Dalai Lama stated that “Islam is the religion of the heart and needs to be protected. We should not generalize Islam as something fearful just due to a handful of miscreants. Jihad is not a medium of attack. There is a need to break this false notion as Jihad actually means to conquer the evil within individuals….”

Also, the Dalai in the past commented that “Nowadays to some people the Muslim tradition appears more militant……..I feel that’s totally wrong.  Muslims, like any other traditions – same message, same practice.  This is the practice of compassion.”

Therefore, a major spiritual leader in the Buddhist community is whitewashing history and the modern reality for Buddhists in Southern Thailand and the Chittagong Hill Tracts.  Also, while Buddhist temples are prospering in Europe and North America because of openness then the Dalai Lama is distorting reality because he knows that Buddhist temples are not allowed in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations like the Maldives, Yemen, and so forth.

The Dalai Lama is not alone because important Christian leaders, politicians, liberals, and others, are also distorting reality and of course this is helping the Islamic cause and stealth jihad within democratic nations. 

Turning back to Thailand and Zachary Abuza who is the author of Conspiracy of Silence: The Insurgency in Southern Thailand, comments that “The militants also target Buddhists, whom they hope to drive away.  There is ample evidence to suggest that this plan is working: according to household registration statistics compiled by The Nation, 34,523 residents, mainly Buddhists, fled the three provinces between January 2004 and May 2005.”  (Page 73)

Zachary Abuza continues by stating “Indeed, the insurgency has led to a certain amount of de facto ethnic cleansing.  Thai officials believe that roughly fifty thousand Buddhists have fled the south.”  (Page 211)

Moderate Muslims have also been killed because conservative versions of Islam are spreading because of outside influence and internal factors.  Therefore, moderate Sha’afis and others have been killed by conservative followers of Sunni Islam who deem moderate Muslims to be apostates.

Zachary Abuza states that “This is the heart of Salafism: to remove all innovations (“impurities”) that have entered the religion since the death of the Prophet Mohammed.  The goal is to Islamicize society and to inculcate it with Salafi values and norms that will strengthen the movement, regardless of whether these values and norms are popular.  The militants have adopted the Wahhabite practice of takfir – that is, labeling fellow Muslims non-Muslims if they do not subscribe to Salafi values and practices.  They have systematically targeted moderate Muslims, Sufis, and others whom they find to be too secular or too connected to the state.”  (Page 128) 

In my article called Sunni Islamists slit the throat of a Christian mother in Somalia I stated that The 36 year old Asha Mberwa was a mother of four and she had committed no crime and had harmed nobody.  However, Mohammed supported the killing of apostates therefore the Al-Shabaab killed the Muslim convert to Christianity in order to appease the Islamic god.”  

“In true Islamic justice an innocent convert to Christianity was killed in cold blood and bystanders were forced to watch while her throat was being cut.  Her death, like so many other Christian martyrs in Somalia, is a witness to the reality of Islamic Sharia law and the brutal teachings of Mohammed.  Therefore, the Islamic inquisition is in full swing in Somalia and Christians are being hunted down and killed.”

It is abundantly clear that Christians in Somalia are being hunted down and killed in many brutal ways. After this, Sunni Islamic members of the Al-Shabaab seek to find the children of Christian converts and then convert them to Islam, after killing their parents or parent.  Therefore, despite Christians being less than 0.2 per cent of the population in Somalia it is still not good enough for the holy warriors of Sunni Islam and the reality of this can be seen by the brutal murders of converts to Christianity.

Buddhists in Southern Thailand and Christians in Somalia are killed by radical Sunni Muslims and it is clear that these Islamic fanatics desire an Islamic monoculture and the eradication of all things deemed un-Islamic.  This madness is also turning on itself because moderate Muslims are deemed to be tafkir and the eradication of past culture is also deemed to be important.

In Thailand the mass majority of the population is Buddhist and the armed forces of Thailand are strong.  However, in Somalia the Christian community which is very small and lacks any power base is vulnerable and the followers of Sunni Islam desire to kill every single Christian in this country.

Yet despite the differences of both nations it is clear that Buddhists are still not protected from the Islamic insurgency in Southern Thailand.  Therefore, the future of Christianity is hanging by a thread in Somalia and the followers of the Christian faith have been abandoned by the international community.  Meanwhile the ethnic cleansing of Buddhism in Southern Thailand is a reality and because of this the Islamic jihad of the 7th century is clearly alive and kicking in the early 21st century; but when will national governments, religious leaders, politicians, and others, stand up to this ongoing Islamic tyranny?

Lee Jay Walker

December 24, 2010

Somalia and Afghanistan: the barbarity of Sunni Islam


Somalia and Afghanistan: the barbarity of Sunni Islam

By Lee Jay Walker
The Modern Tokyo Times

Islamic radicals support stoning women, terrorism, and killing converts to Christianity in Afghanistan and Somalia.  However, central forces also support Islamic Sharia law and killing apostates to Christianity or other non-Muslim faiths. 

Somalia is yet another failed state where various Sunni Islamic factions are vying for control.  Just like fellow Islamists in Afghanistan and throughout the world, they hate diversity and Christian minorities are killed frequently in Somalia.  The madness of the “Islamic year zero” is gaining ground because of the global jihadist network and finance and training from fellow Islamists throughout the Middle East.

If democratic nations believe that Somalia is a million miles away then they are mistaken.  After all, many Somalians who reside in America, the United Kingdom, and other democratic nations, are joining radical Islamic terrorist factions in Somalia after being indoctrinated in the West.

Various Islamic factions in Somalia desire to create an Islamic state based on Sharia Islamic law and the brutality of their thinking can be seen by recent events in Somalia. This most notably applies to stoning a young lady to death and beheading a Christian convert from Islam.

However, even moderate forces within the government support the implementation of Islamic Sharia law and it is clear that democracy and civil liberties are not on the table. Instead it is the brutal reality of Islam which is creating fear and barbarity amongst all the chaos of Somalia.

Therefore, the stark reality of modern Somalia is an inefficient government which lacks real power and the limited power it does manage to have is based on the root cause, which is Islam itself.  After all, it is clear that Islam is not creating a flourishing nation in Somalia but like usual it is the root cause for the complete backwardness of Somalia.

Instead of progress and modernization we have all sides supporting laws which infringe on free thinking, democracy, and a society based on equality.  Yes, central forces are much better than al-Shabab and Hizb al-Islam but just like Afghanistan it is clear that another generation is going to be brainwashed and indoctrinated.

Therefore, women will be kept in the shadows and stoning to death and other draconian Islamic laws will keep them chained.  At the same time the minority Christian community will face death at the hands of al-Shabab and Hizb al-Islam and apostates will face the same fate by the so-called central government.

On 7 June, 2010, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad wrote an article for The Guardian newspaper called “How Somalia’s civil war became new front in battle against al-Qaida.”

In the article he quotes from a member of the al-Shabab who states that “One of the reasons for our strong name is not only the war, it’s the strong fierce rule that is based on cutting heads as punishments for the crimes,” he says. “We have gained respect. We implement a strong rule that no one can deviate from which has also made us very popular with Arab and other mujahideen. We have courts all the time that implement sharia, but when we are in the middle of war and the fighter captures the traitors and the apostate soldiers of the government then we implement the sharia immediately and cut the head.”

This clearly shows you the mentality of al-Shabab and other Islamic factions and this is the brutal reality of Islam after all other alternatives have been crushed.  Islamization leads to backwardness, brutal laws, the abandonment of rationality, and any semblance of normality.

Regional nations like Ethiopia and Kenya are deeply worried about events and the international community should have done more to support Ethiopia in the past.  However, both regional nations and the international community understand the need to contain al-Shabab and Hizb al-Islam because global Islamic jihadists threaten to destabilize the region and much further afield.

Yet just like Afghanistan, it is hard to see any end product because while the need to contain Islamic jihad is essential.  It is also vital to create “a new society” but this isn’t happening and despite tens of billions of dollars being spent on Afghanistan it is clear that you have no end product.

For the reality of modern day Afghanistan is that the central government also supports killing apostates from Islam and crushing the rights of women.  Yes, just like the regime in Saudi Arabia, they don’t mind non-Muslims defending them but of course they still deem non-Muslims to be infidels and unclean.

Therefore, unless “Islam” is taken out of the power base you appear to have little hope in the future.  Given this, why aren’t Western donors supporting secular education in Afghanistan and laws which are based on secularism and freeing women from their daily bondage? 

Are American, British, and NATO troops dying for maintaining Islam and supporting the implementation of Islamic Sharia law and the development of other Islamic institutions in Afghanistan because this is “a new liberal containment policy?”

If so, the war is already lost because it means that future generations in Afghanistan will be indoctrinated and all modernization of the economy will be given credit to Islam instead of Western donors.  This also applies to Somalia because like Afghanistan it is clear that central forces are much better than Islamists who want to spread their jihad to other nations. 

Yet in the long term it appears that central forces will do little to change society and while Somalia is weak because of the ongoing chaos and lack of institutions with any power.  It is still apparent that “a Japanese doctrine” is not being implemented in Afghanistan.

This applies to allied powers enforcing a democratic process on Japan and taking central power away from the forces which unleashed so much barbarity in the 1930s and which lasted until the end of World War Two. The same can be said about eradicating NAZI ideology but when it comes to tackling a similar but more potent Islamic ideology then nothing is being done, apart from containing Islamic jihadists but maintaining Islamic control via newly selected leaders.

 Therefore, the choice is stark, either the international community must focus on the real root cause of such barbarity and backwardness, or nothing will change?  However, given the political correct agenda of modern Western nations it would appear that the only goal is to stem the tide of Islamic terrorists while preserving the rule of Islam.

 Surely this thinking is leading to a dead-end because instead of taking brave measures in order to break the chain of Islamic indoctrination, we are just seeing the status quo.  Yet the status quo means killing apostates, keeping women in chains, and indoctrinating the next generation and clearly this policy is leading to a dead-end. 


October 18, 2010

Prophet Mohammed, the Banu Qurayza, Kashmir, and Mansuur Mohammed

Prophet Mohammed, the Banu Qurayza, Kashmir, and Mansuur Mohammed

Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times

The prophet of Islam is being re-vamped in the West and many Muslims desire to gloss over the harsh reality of their own prophet.  In modern times Mohammed is the great family man despite marrying countless numbers of wives, getting divorced many times, having sex with concubines, and marrying a child.  Yet the Mohammed of Arabia who ruled with an iron-fist and what his followers did to non-Muslims can be witnessed by events in the 7th century and right up to modern times.

Banu Qurayza were followers of Judaism and many hundreds of Jews were beheaded during the reign of Mohammed
Banu Qurayza were followers of Judaism and many
hundreds of Jews were beheaded during the reign of Mohammed


The events that I refer to applies to the systematic annihilation of all male Jews who were over the age of puberty and the ongoing barbarity of radical Islam in modern day Somalia and Kashmir.

Therefore, the Banu Qurayza tribe who followed Judaism and the Muslim convert to Christianity in Somalia in modern times, Mansuur Mohammed; represent the reality and barbarity of Islam and the same applies to the destruction of Hinduism in Kashmir.  In these three events, we can see what happened to ancient Christianity in Nubia, what awaited the Zoroastrians of Persia, what awaited the fate of Buddhists and Hindus in Afghanistan, and what awaited so many other faiths by the sword of Islam.

Before focusing on this issue, it is clear that other faiths have spread by the sword but unlike Islam, no other faith can claim that their prophet was responsible for such hatred or that laws were stated which supported jihad, dhimmitude, and enslavement.  Also, while other faiths have looked deep “into their own personal demons” the same does not apply to the Islamic world.

It is clear that human failings like overt nationalism, the control of resources, feudalism, and many upheavals have happened in history.  However, you can not equate the negatives within the Buddhist world or Christian world on the teachings of Buddha or Jesus.  After all, both supported peace and stood up to the status quo by challenging people to focus on love, compassion, and a fair society.

However, the prophet of Islam is very different because in his world view it was clear that force and coercion were political and religious tools.  Mohammed clearly supported the notion of Islamic jihad; stealing from the defeated enemy; enslaving people who did not accept dhimmitude; and laying the foundation of a brutal legal system which kills apostates, chops the hands of petty criminals, and stones people to death for adultery despite the fact that Mohammed did adultery with his concubines.

Often people like to clump all religions together, however, it doesn’t wash because not once did Buddha or Jesus kill nor did they desire political power or to marry countless number of women while claiming to be religious.  On the contrary, Mohammed rewards Muslims for killing non-Muslims, by having virgins waiting for them when they sacrifice themselves during jihad. 

Jesus, however, gave his own life in order that others can find salvation and of course you have no pre-conditions because people are free to reject him or accept him and only the afterlife will judge providing you have an afterlife?

In Islam this is seen to be weak and the God of Mohammed seeks control, power, to enforce dhimmitude, to kill in the name of Allah, and to install a legal system which favors Muslims over the inferior non-Muslims.

I will now turn back to the 7th century and the lifetime of Mohammed because he set in motion a religion which would engulf many parts of the world and this applies to terror, war, dhimmitude and Islamic jihad.

Matthias Kuntzel, the author of Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11 highlights on page 65 that “In 627 the Qurayza tribe was exterminated following a siege of Medina by the Meccans.  Mohammed went to the marketplace in Medina and had graves dug there.  Then the Jews were brought to him and beheaded at the gravesides – between 600 and 900 men in all.  The executions lasted the whole day…..Most of the women and children were sold into slavery in Medina, the remainder in Syria and Najad.”  (Johan Bouman, op. cit., p.86)

Therefore, the prophet of Islam supported the entire massacre of all Jewish males who followed the religion of Judaism and who were over puberty. Mohammed just sat back and watched this gruesome act and did nothing, apart from divide the spoils afterwards.  This barbaric act took place under the rule of Mohammed in the 7th century and in this sense the beheading of Muslim apostates to Christianity in Somalia can be linked to the deeds of Mohammed.

Given this, Mansuur Mohammed who was beheaded in Somalia for being an apostate in the 21st century, joins the Islam of Mohammed and the 7th century because he met the same barbaric fate.   Koranic prayers would have been recited while beheading the Banu Qurayza and the same applies to the al-Shabaab (al-Shabab) in Somalia who were reciting the Koran and shouting in joy while cutting the head off a Christian convert.

In my article called Killing Christians in Somalia, burning Bibles in Pakistan and stealth jihad. I stated that “…we have silence when Christians are being beheaded while Muslims recite the Koran and shout “Allah Akbar” while killing someone in such a brutal way”.

In the minds of Islamists who support the ways and deeds of Mohammed they are following in the footsteps of their bloodthirsty prophet.  Therefore, the beheading of Mansuur Mohammed who converted from Islam to Christianity in Somalia is connected to the “same evil forces” which were unleashed by Muslims under Mohammed during his lifetime.

Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. 

The mind of Mohammed was clearly evil because at no time did he try to stop his followers from doing this brutal crime.  In direct contrast to Jesus who stopped the prostitute from being killed by stoning to death we have the prophet of Islam who endorses such barbaric methods.  Mohammed not only watched this brutal genocide of all male followers of Judaism over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza; for this was not enough because he also enslaved the Jewish women and children of this tribe and plundered all their wealth which was to be shared by the victorious Muslims.

Mohammed now “set in stone the brutality of Islam” and this applies to jihad, dhimmitude, jizya, killing apostates, stoning people to death for adultery (despite doing adultery himself), plundering the wealth of the vanquished and enabling the forces of evil to kill in the name of God.

Islamists all over the world, irrespective if they are in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, or wherever, support the methodology of Mohammed and many desire to spread this faith and enforce dhimmitude on the people of the book or to massacre and destroy the foundations of Buddhism, Hinduism, and other faiths.  At the same time you have Islamists within the democratic world, for example in America, Germany, India, the UK, and other nations, who desire to spread Islam and to weaken the foundations of democracy in order to Islamize the entire world.

In our own lifetime we have witnessed the Islamization of Kashmir “in silence “and a civilization which nurtured this land for thousands of years and the Hindus of this area may end up like the Buddhists and Hindus of Afghanistan?  This applies to the complete Islamization of an area which once had a flourishing Hindu civilization but just like the destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism in Afghanistan by Islamic forces and then the destruction of all signs of this culture, the same fate awaits the Hindus of Kashmir if Islamists get their way.

If you check the website of it states the following:

“Terrorism in Kashmir is an ideological struggle with specified political commitments which are fundamentalist and communal in character.

Terrorist violence is aimed at achieving the disengagement of the state of Jammu and Kashmir from India and its annexation to Pakistan. It is, the continuation of the Islamic fundamentalist struggle for the homeland of Pakistan which claims Jammu and Kashmir state on account of its Muslim majority character. 

The major dimension of the terrorist violence in Kashmir is the terrorists’ commitment to the extermination and subjugation of the Hindus in the state because Hindus do not subscribe to the idea of separation from India, nor do they expect to be governed by the authority of the state which derives its sanction from the law and precedent of Islam. Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) have always been in the forefront of the struggle against secessionism, communalism and fundamentalism. Hence this peace loving minority with a modern outlook became the main victim of terrorist violence. The strategies involved in the terrorists’ operation against the Hindus in Kashmir include:

“The extermination of Hindus; subjecting Hindus to brutal torture to instill fear among them in order to achieve their submission; and to engineer a forced mass exodus of Hindus from the land of their ancestors and birth by way of issuing threatening letters, kidnappings and torture deaths on non-compliance of the terrorists’ dictates and ensure the destruction of the secular and pluralistic character of the socio-political fabric of the Kashmiri Society.”

If we go back to Arabia before Mohammed and during his early life then it is clear that Arabia was pluralistic and you had Christians, Jews, Pagans, and other faiths.  However, during the lifetime of Mohammed the sword would be taken to Pagans and the followers of Judaism, once Mohammed obtained power.  Also, just like the destruction of all non-Muslim faiths in Afghanistan (Buddhism, Hinduism, and others) by the followers of Islam the prophet of Islam had done the same and in time the same fate would await the Christians of Arabia.

Therefore, Mohammed had supported the entire destruction of Arab Paganism and Judaism, and in time the same fate would await Christians once complete Islamization had taken over all aspects of society.  Modern Islamists are connected with this 7th century methodology because Islamists are doing the same in Kashmir with regards to the destruction of Hinduism.

The followers of Islam are also killing every single apostate that they can find in Somalia and all Christians converts face being beheaded or killed in other ways, while their children are being taken and converted to Islam.  Buddhists in southern Thailand face the same Islamic methodology and many Buddhist priests have been killed alongside other Buddhists and moderate Muslims who are deemed to be apostates for supporting pluralism.

The mindset of the prophet of Islam is ongoing and lives on within the brutal legal system of Islamic Sharia law; the destruction of other faiths by the followers of Islam in Kashmir, southern Thailand, Somalia, and in other parts of the world; and the mindset of Mohammed lives on within every murder of an innocent Christian, Hindu, Sikh, or other in Pakistan.

After all, the followers of Islam desire to enforce dhimmitude on non-Muslims (Egypt, Iran, and others) or the eradication of non-Muslim faiths within an Islamic monoculture (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Yemen, and others).  Therefore, the beheadings of over 600 followers of Judaism in the lifetime of Mohammed and the beheading of the Christian convert, Mansuur Mohammed, in the 21st century are connected.

The same applies to the ongoing Islamization of Kashmir where a rich Hindu civilization is under threat from complete Islamization.  Therefore, the Hindus of this region are like the Arab Pagans and followers of Judaism in the time of Mohammed because both face extermination and the destruction of their culture and all traces of Hindu architecture is under threat. However, while the world remembers the destruction of Buddhist symbols in Afghanistan not a murmur is being said in the international community about the plight of Hindus in Kashmir.

In truth, it is clear that Mohammed and the mindset of Islamists are the same and jihad and plunder goes hand in hand.  The 7th century and 21st century are the same in the minds of Islamists because they desire power, control, dhimmitude, jizya, and so forth; liberals can fool themselves but history teaches us that Islam destroyed many Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Pagan, and Zoroastrians societies. 

If leaders in democratic societies desire to ignore history and a living history of Islamization in Kashmir, Pakistan, southern Thailand, and in other parts of the world in the 21st century then the sword of Islam and stealth jihad will work hand in hand in order to obtain power in new lands.

Lee Jay Walker

Matthias Kuntzel : Jihad and Jew-Hatred; Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11